Saturday, August 6, 2011

Partidu Foun ho Partidu Kiik Timor-Leste

Partidu barak mosu tanba hanesan imi balu temi ona katak ita nia Konstituisaun fo dalan ba sistema multi-partidarismu ka sistema proporsional (Artigo 65.4). Neduni enfase ka penekanan ba representasaun duke se mak manan foti tomak (winners take all). Tanba ne'e mak iha konversaun votu ba kadeira tuir persentagem nebe partidu ida hetan. Batasan ne'e mak threshold deit (3% ka bele bot liu tan ka kiik liu). Nunee bele hamenus partidu iha Parlamentu Nasional SE threshold ne'e sae tan. TL ho threshold 3%, maka tuir Eleisaun 2007 partidu lima ho koligasaun ASDT/PSD ho AD mak tama PN. Partidu sira seluk la tama hotu. Se la iha threshold 3% maka iha tan partidu rua (PNT ho PDRT) maka tama PN. 

Threshold 3% ne'e determina hosi lei eleitoral. Agora atu partidu ida sai legal, kondisaun ka persyaratan ne'e saida? Presiza halibur 1,500 asinatura nebe legalize hosi notariadu ho tribunal fo desizaun ikus konaba legalidade partidu nia. Ida ne'e mak hamosu Partidu barak ne'e. Hau sinti la susar halibur numeru Ida ne'e. 

Agora iha TL iha Partidu 22. Oin sa ba oin? Lei Eleitoral foin mak promulgate hosi Presidenti Republikanu ho la iha alterasaun signifikante. Katak threshold 3% nafatin. Lei Partidu politiku la muda. Katak 1500 asinatura ne'e sei vale nafatin. Tanba ne'e Presidenti Republika lalika hakfodak ho Partidu bara-barak mak mosu. 

Konsituisaun fo dalan, lei la iha alterasaun, ho foin mak nia promulga tan. Tanba sa mak nia hateten katak Partidu foun sira halimar ho demokrasia? Ida ne'e deit sala ona. 

Lolos ne'e Eleisaun hotu ho hotu halu kedas evaluasaun konaba lei eleitoral ho lei partidu politiku para hodi halu antes kedas. La os atu tama ona ba eleisaun mak hakfodak hare Partidu barak ho atrapaila ho subsidiu. Partidu Aileba iha Direitu hetan subsidiu tanba nia legal. Nunee mos partidu seluk nebe registu legalmente iha Tribunal Rekursu. 

Agora ita koalia konaba subsidiu. Iha audiensia publika ida konaba subvensaun ka subsidiu Estadu ba Partidu politiku sira depois de Eleisaun 2007, hau defende katak so Partidu iha Parlamentu Nasional maka hetan subsidiu governu tanba sira tenki partisipa iha Komisaun ho halao servisu sira seluk iha PN. Partidu sira la tama Parlamentu la hetan subsidiu. Maibe iha Eleisaun Partidu hotu tenki hetan subsidiu hanesan. Tanba sa? Eleisaun 2012 ka Eleisaun sira tuir mai la garante katak partidu sira bot iha eleisuan 2007 ne'e sei bot nafatin ka Partidu kiik sira ne'e sei kiik nafatin. Se mak bele dehan katak iha 2012, FRETILIN sei hetan 29% nafatin, ka CNRT 24% ka PR 1.1%. La iha figurative sira ne'e bele muda. Se mak garante katak Partidu Aileba sei hetan deit votu 0.0001%? La iha inklui mos Presidenti da Republika. Tanba ne'e tama ba Eleisaun 2012, Partidu hotu-hotu hanesan ho hetan subsidiu mos hanesan. 

Ikus Parlamantu desidi katak so Partidu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional mak hetan subvensaun Estadu. Desde 2008 Partidu sira iha PN hetan subsidiu tinan-tinan. Ida ne'e fair duni tuir resultadu 2007. Iha 2010, FRETILIN hetan $900 mil resin, CNRT $800 mil resin, PD $300 mil resin etc hosi orsamentu $3 million aloka iha tinan 2010 deit. Tinan sira uluk hetan tiha ona, numeru hira imi be cek iha CNE. . 

Maibe PN haluha tiha deisid iha tempu neba katak tama Eleisaun tuir mai partidu hotu tenki iha direitu hanesan. La hanesan ne'e mak sira hetan tiha ona tinatinan desde 2008. Tama ba Eleisaun foun tenki hanesan hotu.... 

Tanba sa mak Partidu mosu bebeik deit? Alem de razaun legal nebe remi ona iha leten, razaun seluk mak iha deskontentamentu ba Partidu sira nebe ukun tiha ona ho agora ukun dadaun. FRETILIN ukun tiha ona, povu hatene ona. AMP (CNRT, ASDT/PSD, PD, UNDERTIM) agora ukun dadaun povu mos akompaina dadaun. Tanba sa mak la hili deit ona Partidu sira ne'e mas halu fali Partidu seluk? Tanba saida imi bele analiza rasik....

Partidu foun sira diak ka lae? Sempre diak tanba sira hare tiha ona uluk Ida ukun, agora Ida seluk ukun tan maibe seidauk fo resposta optimal ba dezafiu nasaun nia. Tanba ne'e presiza iha alternativu seluk tan. Povu merese iha opsau ne'e hotu.

Se Partidu foun la diak ka halimar ho demokrasia maka la iha alternative diak tan ba alternative sira nebe agora iha. Iha Amerika, Partidu Republikanu mosu 75 anos depois de Amerika independenti. Partidu Demokratiku identifika aan hanesan Partidu deklarador ho fundador nasaun Amerika. Maibe ho programa nebe diak ho tan kualidade lideransa diak, Partidu Republikanu konsege sai Partidu bot (salah satu dari dua partai besar) iha Amerika. Desde 1945, se hau la sala Republikanu sira ukun tinan barak liu duke Demokratiku sira. Obrigadu ba imi nia atensaun. JMS. Fundador ho Presidenti Partidu Republikanu TL. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Role of Small Parties

President Jose Ramos Horta was hammering at small parties by saying that parties like Aileba and Mausoko clearly want subsidy of the government. While these remarks have some merits, it overlooks the essence of multiparty democracy that is defined by the Constitution. You cannot accuse a political party established solely to get subsidy from the government. People may be frustrated by the existing political parties because these parties no longer represent people's aspirations. Therefore, they decided to form new political parties aiming at achieving dreams and aspirations.

In addition, political party law only requires 1500 valid signatures to register a party. So it should come to no surprise to Mr Jose Ramos Horta that parties will continue to register until the election day because the door is wide open and the requirements are relatively easy.

In other countries, state can limit the number of political parties through two ways. First, raise requirements to register new parties, such as the law requires 5,000 signatures instead of only 1,500, new party must have branches in half of districts, and new party must have complete structure. Second, electoral threshold is raised to 5% or more. This second factor is tricky because many votes could be wasted in a system where there are many political parties.

So it is not the political parties that create problems but the system that has allowed many political parties. Criticing new and small political parties let alone attacking them just show insensitiveness to the situation.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Discurso de Tomada de Posse do XIX Governo Constituicional de Portugal

President Anibal Cavaco Silva of Portugal guided his country from a third world European periphery to a modern state well integrated into Europe and the world during his two terms as Portuguese Prime Minister. Today with his vision, his intellectual capacity grounded on technical competence, and sensibility to political, economic and social actors, Cavaco Silva is trying to guide his country from crisis with the newly formed government of Portugal. Cavaco Silva just trounced his political detractors by winning an outright majority in the first round of Portugal's Presidential Electins early this year to begin his second popular Presidential mandate. He holds a PhD in Ecnomics with specialty in Public Finance from York University in England. Good luck with this reading....

Tomada de posse
Discurso na íntegra de Cavaco Silva
21.06.2011 - 15:10
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O XIX Governo Constitucional, que hoje toma posse, foi formado tendo em conta os resultados das eleições legislativas do passado dia 5 e, nos termos do acordo de coligação entre o Partido Social Democrata e o CDS-Partido Popular, dispõe de apoio maioritário na Assembleia da República.

Tal como afirmei ao intervir nas Comemorações do 25 de Abril, o apoio parlamentar maioritário afigura-se essencial na actual conjuntura, de modo a que o novo Executivo enfrente de imediato e com determinação os grandes desafios que lhe são colocados no plano económico e social, e dê cumprimento aos compromissos assumidos no plano internacional.

A tomada de posse de um Executivo com apoio maioritário permite reunir as condições de governabilidade necessárias para um tempo que vai exigir grandes sacrifícios dos cidadãos e um enorme sentido de responsabilidade patriótica por parte de todos os agentes políticos e também dos agentes económicos e sociais.

Competirá ao novo Executivo, e aos dirigentes dos dois partidos que o integram, assegurar que a coligação governativa tenha solidez, consistência e durabilidade.

Portugal não está em condições de viver crises políticas sucessivas. Como deixei bem claro na comunicação ao País que efectuei na véspera das eleições, os portugueses iriam escolher um Governo para um horizonte temporal de quatro anos, o período da legislatura.

Ao apoio parlamentar maioritário, de que este Governo dispõe, acresce a cooperação activa do Presidente da República. Tal como sucedeu com os anteriores Executivos, a quem nunca faltei com a minha palavra e com a minha lealdade, pode o novo Governo contar com a cooperação do Presidente da República ao serviço do superior interesse nacional.

Ao primeiro-ministro cessante, que presidiu ao Governo de Portugal durante seis anos, bem como aos membros dos seus governos, expresso público reconhecimento pelos serviços prestados e desejo os maiores sucessos pessoais e profissionais.

Senhor primeiro-ministro,

Senhoras e senhores ministros,

No ciclo político que agora se inicia é fundamental que o Governo tenha presente que o facto de dispor de maioria no Parlamento não deve afastá-lo da busca de compromissos alargados a outras forças políticas.

Perante a gravidade da situação, perante a dimensão dos sacrifícios que vão ser pedidos aos portugueses – possivelmente, os maiores sacrifícios desde que foi instaurada a democracia –, o novo Executivo tem de saber dialogar e obter consensos partidários que vão para além da maioria que o sustenta.

Da oposição espera-se uma atitude construtiva e responsável, para que nesta hora decisiva, em que todos estão comprometidos com o futuro do país, o interesse nacional seja colocado acima dos interesses partidários.

É fundamental, por outro lado, que à procura de consenso com as outras forças políticas se associe o diálogo e a concertação com os agentes económicos e sociais.

A actual crise não reclama apenas sentido de responsabilidade da classe política. Também a responsabilidade de empregadores e trabalhadores irá ser posta à prova perante os portugueses, na certeza de que a situação actual não se compadece com divisões e conflitos.

Ninguém pode ter a pretensão de julgar que está acima da grave situação económica do país, que as adversidades irão passar-lhe ao lado, deixando incólume o seu estatuto, quando milhares à sua volta sofrem privações e se debatem com o flagelo do desemprego ou do emprego precário.

Numa altura de grande exigência, é menor a tolerância dos cidadãos para com desigualdades e privilégios sem sentido.

A justiça na repartição dos sacrifícios tem de ser uma marca da governação que agora se inicia.

Há também que adoptar uma atitude firme no combate à corrupção e às situações de promiscuidade entre interesses privados e o interesse público.

À legitimidade para reclamar sacrifícios tem de corresponder uma cultura do exemplo, assente em valores éticos e princípios de serviço público.

O desempenho de funções públicas e a selecção dos altos responsáveis da administração têm de ser pautados exclusivamente por critérios de competência e de mérito. As eleições servem para devolver a escolha ao povo, não para promover o rotativismo das clientelas.É igualmente essencial que neste ciclo político se instaure uma relação renovada entre o poder e os cidadãos. Uma relação que seja de maior proximidade e respeito e, ao mesmo tempo, de maior independência recíproca.

A sociedade civil, as empresas, os cidadãos em geral têm de se libertar de uma histórica dependência face ao Estado e este, por seu turno, tem de abandonar a tentação de dominar actividades privadas ou de sobre elas exercer uma tutela paternalista ao serviço de interesses particulares.

O Estado tem de estar mais próximo daqueles que verdadeiramente precisam, não daqueles que dispõem de canais privilegiados de acesso aos decisores políticos.

Estes são princípios fundamentais para a governação de legislatura que agora começa, e tão mais relevantes quanto o quadro económico e social em que Portugal se situa é extremamente difícil.

Nos últimos anos, a economia portuguesa apresentou um crescimento económico débil, que nos afastou da média europeia.

Ao mesmo tempo, verificou-se um aumento excessivo do peso do Estado, um desequilíbrio acentuado das contas públicas, uma perda significativa da competitividade do nosso tecido empresarial e um agravamento substancial dos níveis de endividamento doméstico e externo.

Desde meados de 2010 que o Estado e o sistema bancário enfrentam sérias dificuldades de financiamento, que levaram também a um agravamento das condições de acesso ao crédito por parte das empresas e dos cidadãos.

O investimento caiu para níveis inferiores aos verificados há quinze anos e o desemprego tem vindo a aumentar de forma acentuada e persistente, atingindo hoje níveis alarmantes.

Nos últimos meses, a economia portuguesa voltou a apresentar sinais de forte recessão, não acompanhando a recuperação da economia mundial.

Em suma, Portugal vive uma situação de emergência, caracterizada por enormes dificuldades económicas, financeiras e sociais.

Esta situação tornou inevitável o recurso à ajuda externa e o cumprimento de um exigente programa de austeridade e de reformas, no sentido de satisfazer as necessidades imediatas de financiamento da economia portuguesa.

É neste quadro que o XIX Governo Constitucional toma posse e inicia funções. Compete-lhe, em primeira linha, assegurar o cumprimento rigoroso do programa de assistência financeira acordado com a União Europeia e o Fundo Monetário Internacional.

Trata-se de um programa delineado para três anos, que contém um vasto e muito exigente conjunto de compromissos, objectivos e metas, envolvendo a correcção de desequilíbrios internos e externos, o reforço da estabilidade do sistema bancário e reformas de natureza estrutural, abrangendo diversos sectores do Estado e da sociedade.

O programa de ajustamento é especialmente rigoroso e detalhado no que respeita aos objectivos de natureza orçamental. Portugal necessita de reduzir o seu défice público de 9,1 por cento do produto em 2010 para 5,9 por cento já este ano e para 3 por cento em 2013, de forma a iniciar então uma trajectória sustentada de redução da dívida pública.

Os compromissos internacionais assumidos por Portugal constituem, sem dúvida, um caderno de encargos de grande responsabilidade, tanto mais que os prazos definidos para a concretização das várias medidas são extremamente apertados e o cumprimento das diversas metas estará sujeito a um escrutínio atento, quer pelas instituições internacionais, quer por parte dos mercados.

O Governo só poderá ter sucesso se agir com determinação e sentido de urgência, sem deixar, todavia, de proceder à análise ponderada dos problemas e de promover a transparência e o rigor na decisão e na aplicação das políticas públicas.Neste contexto, é essencial que fique claro para os agentes políticos e sociais e para todos os portugueses que o cumprimento deste programa, tendo custos e exigindo muitos sacrifícios, constitui uma solução que se tornou inevitável.

Estou firmemente convicto de que o cumprimento escrupuloso do programa de ajustamento é o caminho que melhor serve o interesse nacional nos próximos anos, embora não seja um caminho isento de riscos, sobretudo de natureza externa.

Na verdade, se Portugal falhar o cumprimento de aspectos essenciais deste acordo poderá ficar sujeito a restrições de financiamento ainda mais graves do que as actuais. Daí iriam decorrer consequências dramáticas para o funcionamento do sistema económico e financeiro, limitando-se durante vários anos as perspectivas de crescimento do País e de criação de emprego.

Senhor primeiro-ministro,

Senhoras e senhores ministros,

Importa ter presente que as tarefas deste Governo não se esgotam no mero cumprimento do acordo com as instituições internacionais.

Assim, uma das funções primordiais do XIX Governo Constitucional consiste em atenuar os elevados custos sociais das medidas que terão de ser tomadas. Considero ser prioritário garantir uma repartição equilibrada dos sacrifícios e uma utilização muito criteriosa dos recursos públicos, com vista a ajudar os cidadãos efectivamente mais carenciados.

A condição-chave para o sucesso reside na redução significativa do desequilíbrio externo, a par da consolidação das finanças públicas, e na capacidade dos agentes nacionais, em particular o Estado e os bancos, para acederem aos mercados financeiros em condições de normalidade.

Torna-se assim fundamental reconquistar a confiança dos mercados e dos investidores internacionais e criar condições para colocar Portugal numa trajectória de crescimento sustentado no médio e longo prazo.

As políticas públicas na área económica devem ser avaliadas em função do seu contributo para o aumento da competitividade externa. Este é, sem dúvida, o objectivo mais decisivo, mas igualmente o mais desafiante.

Tudo o que puder contribuir para a redução do défice externo, quer pela diminuição da nossa dependência face a bens importados quer pelo aumento sustentado das nossas quotas exportadoras, tem de ser valorizado em função daquele objectivo.

O futuro depende igualmente da criação de condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento da iniciativa privada, à inovação, ao empreendedorismo e à motivação dos jovens para a actividade empresarial e para a aquisição de qualificações e competências.

Não é fácil modernizar e renovar, em pouco tempo, o tecido empresarial do País e orientá-lo mais fortemente para a produção de bens e serviços que concorram com a produção externa.

Mas este é um caminho que temos de reforçar com a maior premência. Desde logo, enraizando critérios de competitividade externa no funcionamento das empresas e melhorando o papel da diplomacia económica, mas também privilegiando a aquisição de produtos nacionais e desenvolvendo hábitos de poupança.

Além disso, é essencial reafectar o crédito disponível para as pequenas e médias empresas competitivas, para o sector de bens transaccionáveis e para investimentos de qualidade que incorporem maioritariamente recursos nacionais e que sejam factor de reforço da posição concorrencial das empresas portuguesas.

Temos de apostar seriamente na melhoria do sistema judicial, na qualificação dos recursos humanos e no aproveitamento e valorização das vantagens comparativas e naturais de que Portugal dispõe nos chamados sectores tradicionais e em áreas como o turismo e bem-estar, a agricultura e a floresta.Portugal pode ainda beneficiar, em termos exportadores, do conhecimento, da experiência e dos investimentos acumulados nos últimos anos em muitos ramos de actividade económica, incluindo, por exemplo, sectores de futuro como a saúde e a biotecnologia, as tecnologias de informação e comunicação, as energias renováveis e as indústrias amigas do ambiente.

O impulso vigoroso de uma produção portuguesa de qualidade, competitiva, com procura no mercado interno e externo, será o elemento fulcral para que a economia nacional cresça e possamos resolver o nosso maior problema: o nível desmesurado e insustentável do desequilíbrio externo.

Os portugueses, todos os portugueses, terão de dar o seu contributo individual para a causa colectiva, consumindo produtos nacionais, poupando mais, reduzindo o seu endividamento, trabalhando e produzindo melhor.

Reafirmo o que já disse em várias ocasiões: não podemos continuar a viver acima das nossas possibilidades, a gastar mais do que aquilo que produzimos e a endividar-nos perante o estrangeiro.

Os próximos tempos exigirão muito dos portugueses, mas o sucesso dependerá da forma como soubermos agir. O ajustamento que é pedido a Portugal terá custos elevados no imediato, mas ambiciona colocar o país num rumo de crescimento sustentado e de criação de emprego.

A perseverança e a responsabilidade que o povo português já mostrou ao longo da História serão novamente postas à prova. O tempo é de união e de coragem. Temos de trabalhar sem medo do futuro.

O Governo que inicia funções tem responsabilidades acrescidas, uma vez que os sacrifícios pedidos são enormes, as expectativas geradas são extremamente elevadas e as exigências impostas não têm paralelo na nossa História recente. Não podemos falhar, sob pena de a situação se tornar economicamente irreversível e socialmente insustentável.

Também, por isso, é importante que o povo português seja especialmente atento, numa atitude cívica responsável e exigente.

Será também essa a atitude do Presidente da República. Manterei, como sempre, uma postura de isenção e imparcialidade no tratamento das diversas forças políticas, cooperando lealmente com o Governo, empenhado em contribuir para a resolução dos problemas com que o País se confronta.

Senhor primeiro-ministro,

Senhoras e senhores ministros,

Para enfrentar a actual situação do País, dispõe o Governo da força de um resultado eleitoral inequívoco, de uma maioria no Parlamento e da cooperação do Presidente da República.

Não há motivos para deixar de fazer o que deve ser feito, a começar pelo cumprimento dos compromissos que assumimos perante as instituições internacionais. Os custos de um falhanço seriam absolutamente catastróficos e durariam por muitos e muitos anos, hipotecando drasticamente o futuro das gerações mais jovens.

Vivemos, pois, um tempo de grandes decisões. A altura é de agir, de actuar com rapidez e de imediato. É isso que os portugueses querem do novo Governo, foi para isso que nele depositaram expressivamente a sua confiança.

O momento é de muito trabalho, de acção ponderada, de diálogo político e social.

O presente exige o melhor de nós, seja do Governo que hoje toma posse, seja do Parlamento renovado, seja de todos os cidadãos.

Ninguém está imune à crise. Cada um de nós será chamado a dar o seu contributo para vencermos as adversidades do presente.

Cada português tem uma quota de responsabilidade no futuro do seu país.

Estamos juntos neste desígnio comum que partilhamos há vários séculos.

É com orgulho que queremos continuar Portugal. Para isso, temos todos de começar já hoje a trabalhar em conjunto.Em nome de Portugal, desejo ao novo Governo os maiores sucessos.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fulbright - SERN Scholarship

with the support of the Bayu-Undan project

Scholarships for Advanced Studies
in the United States of America
The Secretary of State for Natural Resources (SERN), the United States Embassy and the Bayu Undan Joint Venture are pleased to announce a new program.
The Fulbright-SERN scholarship program will award up to ten scholarships to Timorese to pursue Master's or Doctoral degrees in fields of study related to the natural resources and energy sector.
The Fulbright Foreign Student Program will award two scholarships to Timorese to pursue Master's degrees in fields that benefit Timor-Leste.

Students selected will begin their academic programs in U.S. universities in August 2012. The grants cover expenses incurred for travel to and from the United States, tuition and books, health insurance, and room and board. The deadline for submission of applications is Friday, July 22, 2011.  Complete information and application forms and instructions can be picked up at the U.S. Embassy or downloaded from U.S. Embassy Dili Website or Facebook page. You can also email or call 3324684 Ext. 2146 for further information.
This email is UNCLASSIFIED.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

ASEAN Readiness in Achieving the ASEAN Economic Community 2015: Perspectives and Challenges

ASEAN’s Readiness in Achieving the ASEAN Economic Community 2015: Prospects and Challenges
– MAY 1, 2010

By Pushpanathan Sundram

From left to right: ASEAN Deputy Secretary General for ASEAN Economic Community P. Sundram, ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan (Credit: ASEAN Secretariat)
Singaporean Pushpanathan Sundram has been the Deputy Secretary-General for the ASEAN Economic Community since 1 January 2009. Appended below is the edited version of his speech delivered at the recently concluded ASEAN Roundtable 2010.

It is an honour and privilege for me to address this year’s ASEAN Roundtable. I wish to thank the ASEAN Studies Centre of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung for inviting me to this important meeting.

Let me also take this opportunity to convey the sincere regrets of H.E. Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary-General of ASEAN, for not being able to be with you today. He extends his best wishes to you and is looking forward to receiving your pertinent recommendations on further enhancing the building of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

ASEAN in Today’s Context

In today’s rapidly evolving economic and financial landscape spurred by globalisation, ASEAN lies in the midst of the strategic and dynamic region of East Asia. To maintain its centrality in the region and as an increasingly important player in the global stage, ASEAN needs to be more integrated as a grouping; more engaged with the global economy; and more pro-active and nimble to respond to changing circumstances in a rapidly shifting but increasingly interdependent world. New issues and challenges are confronting ASEAN and therefore pushing ahead with integration and strengthening ASEAN institutions, mechanisms and processes will be crucial for the region to address these developments.

As a region, ASEAN Member States have worked together to ensure peace, stability, prosperity and development for all of them and the region as a whole. The regional resilience that ASEAN has brought about has contributed to national resilience and vice-versa. ASEAN has enjoyed rapid growth and development in the last four decades. The development has helped ASEAN to be a pillar of strength and catalyst for regionalism in Asia. The regional role of ASEAN has been further enhanced by its community building efforts, particularly the AEC.

ASEAN Charter and ASEAN’s Readiness for Community Building

The readiness of ASEAN for community building was clearly reflected by the signing of the ASEAN Charter in 2007 and later its ratification in 2008. After four decades, ASEAN has a constitution to base its work on and to pursue with determination the establishment of an ASEAN Community with three inter-locking pillars of which AEC is one of them. The other two are the ASEAN Political-Security Community and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community.

The Charter also puts in place the institutions and mechanisms that will support the building of the ASEAN Community. For the economic pillar, an AEC Council was established and was given the mandate to oversee the implementation of the AEC. The Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN was also set-up to handle the day-to-day work of ASEAN covering all the three pillars. This body coordinates closely with the ASEAN Secretariat in moving forward the agenda of the ASEAN Community.

The Secretary-General of ASEAN has also been given more mandates to coordinate the work of ASEAN as its Chief Administrative Officer. The Secretariat itself has undergone a complete transformation last year from just providing basic services to that of initiating, coordinating and facilitating the community building agenda of ASEAN. Indeed, the mechanisms under the Charter had provided the much needed coordination between the national and regional levels to see through the implementation of the AEC Blueprint.

Apart from setting the mechanisms under the Charter in motion, ASEAN also adopted the Blueprints for the three Communities. The AEC Blueprint was adopted in 2007 and serves as the comprehensive and coherent master plan for building the economic community characterised by a single market and production base; a competitive economic region with equitable development, and a region that is fully plugged into the global economy.

In order to ensure a more rules-based ASEAN Community, the ASEAN Secretariat was also given the mandate to undertake compliance review for the three pillars to ensure Member States are implementing their commitments under the three Blueprints in a timely manner. For the AEC, a scorecard mechanism was adopted to track the implementation of measures in the AEC Blueprint, which is reported to the AEC Council and the ASEAN Summit. The public version of the first AEC Scorecard has been issued and we hope to receive the comments and inputs of the business community, scholars and other stakeholders to further improve the Scorecard.

Efforts are also ongoing to beef up the procedures to put into operations the dispute settlement mechanism under the AEC for covered economic agreements so that festering economic disputes can be resolved in a more rules-based manner and quickly thereby promoting greater confidence and transparency for the business community in the region. A Protocol to the ASEAN Charter on Dispute Settlement Mechanisms has been adopted recently that aims to put in place a mechanism to help Member States resolve disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the ASEAN Charter. The Dispute Mechanism also applies to other ASEAN instruments which do not specifically provide for dispute settlement mechanisms.

Milestone Achievements in 2010

Apart from the institutional mechanisms and processes, ASEAN’s readiness for the AEC 2015 is reflected by its achievements in the last two years since the signing of the Charter and the adoption of the AEC Blueprint. In this regard, ASEAN has secured a few landmark achievements in 2010. Beginning 1 January 2010, the ASEAN-6 countries achieved zero tariffs covering 99.65 % and for the CLMV 98.6% at 0-5% tariff rates of the total tariff lines traded under the Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme for ASEAN Free Trade Area (CEPT-AFTA) making this the most tangible high-impact outcome for ASEAN.

1 January 2010 also saw the realisation of the ASEAN-China and ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and the commencement of the implementation of the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand FTA and the ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement. ASEAN’s success in engaging pro-actively with its major trading partners in free trade agreements is bearing fruit. Two-way trade has been enhanced and cements ASEAN’s central role within the region. ASEAN’s trade with China, Korea, and Japan remains strong and is growing, while ASEAN is also expected to reap benefits from its newly signed FTAs with Australia-New Zealand and with India.

Another important achievement of ASEAN is that despite the current financial crisis, it has been able to achieve full economic recovery supported by the fiscal and monetary stimulus packages of the individual Member States and the improving economic situation. Overall, we have a good story to tell as ASEAN is expected to achieve a growth rate of 4.9% to 5.6%, after a feeble 1.5% in 2009 due the global economic crisis. There are signs that the region as a whole may attain even higher growth rates if the situation continues to improve. We are already witnessing increasing exports and capital inflows; inflation continues to remain subdued and manageable; and our currencies are appreciating. With the upbeat projection, ASEAN economies are starting to look at exit strategies while being vigilant to any emerging risks. This will provide further incentive for ASEAN to push ahead with its economic integration.

Progress in Implementing the AEC Blueprint

Let me now touch on some of the key progress achieved in economic integration, which is another indication of the commitment and readiness of ASEAN to achieve the AEC by 2015.

The ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) is expected to be fully ratified by the first half of 2010. The ATIGA will provide a single legal enactment to effectively implement the stipulated tariff reduction up to 2015 as well as to promote trade facilitation.

To further ensure tariff reductions are not nullified by non-tariff measures (NTMs), ASEAN is working on trade facilitation issues to ensure NTMs do not impede trade. ASEAN has adopted a Trade Facilitation Framework to address systematically issues such as removal of non-tariff barriers, simplification and harmonisation of customs, standards and conformance, and sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures. It is planning to establish an ASEAN Trade Repository by 2015 that would serve as a gateway of regulatory information at the regional and national levels.

With a view to achieving more expeditious customs clearance, the Member States are developing the ASEAN Single Window, which would provide an integrated platform of partnership among government agencies and end-users in the movement of goods across the region by connecting their National Single Windows. We are also working on a self-certification scheme for the declaration of origin. This will provide certified economic operators to self certify the originating status of goods in place of the existing system of presenting certificate of origins issued by government authorities.

On improving standards and conformity assessment, ASEAN has concluded two Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) in the electrical and electronic sector and the cosmetic sector. MRAs for agro-based products and automotives are being developed for possible conclusion in 2010. We are also working on a conformity marking scheme to support the expeditious clearance of products through the customs that have conformed to ASEAN Harmonised Technical Regulations/Requirements.

In the area of services, the ASEAN Member States are close to completion of the 7th package of services commitments under the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS). The services sector of ASEAN received the highest amount of FDI, accounting for 50.6% of total ASEAN FDI in 2009. ASEAN’s exports of commercial services to the world is also showing an encouraging trend, more than doubling from US$68 billion in 2000 to US$162.8 billion in 2009.

In investment, ASEAN has witnessed a steady increase in intra-ASEAN FDI flows, accounting for 18.2% (US$10.8 billion) of total ASEAN FDI (US$59.7 billion) inflows in 2008, compared with a share of 13.8% in 2006. For the same period, total FDI inflows increased by 8.6%. The ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement (ACIA), which is expected to come into effect this year, will help to market ASEAN as a single investment destination and buttress the single market and production base of ASEAN. It will liberalise, facilitate, promote, and protect investments in the region by ASEAN investors and ASEAN based foreign investors.

MRAs in the services sector are being actively pursued to facilitate the flow of professional services providers in the region, in accordance to domestic rules and regulations. The MRAs include surveyors, engineering services, nursing services, architectural services, tourism professionals, accountancy, medical practitioners and dental practitioners. More is expected to be negotiated and concluded in the near future supporting the development of the services sector in ASEAN.

In the finance sector, the enlarged US$120 billion swap arrangement under the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM) was operationalised on 24 March 2010. This multilateral swap facility will assist the ASEAN and Plus Three countries of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea with short-term liquidity difficulties. An independent surveillance office for the CMIM will be established in Singapore by early next year.

The establishment of the US$ 700 million Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (CGIF) is also expected to be launched in May by the ASEAN Plus Three Finance Ministers. This will help in the development of deep and liquid local currency and regional bond markets. An ASEAN infrastructure fund is also being considered to finance regional infrastructure building crucial for the establishment of a well-connected and integrated single market and production base in ASEAN.

In the transport sector, three framework agreements on facilitation of goods in transit, multimodal transport and facilitation of inter-state transport have been concluded. These agreements will simplify and harmonise trade and transport procedures and documentation, formulate uniform guidelines and requirements for registration of transit transport and multimodal transport operators and promote ICT applications for seamless cargo transportation.

Besides, the ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on Full Liberalisation of Passenger Air Services, extending unlimited air traffic rights to all cities in ASEAN has been finalised and is expected to be signed in November 2010. In terms of air connectivity, negotiations with China have entered into the final stages. Meanwhile, the ASEAN Strategic Transport Plan for 2011-215 is being developed to cover all modes and aspects of transport connectivity.

As connectivity is crucial to building a vibrant internal market and linking it to the global economy, ASEAN has embarked on developing a Master Plan on Connectivity. The Master Plan will focus, among others, on transport, information communication technology (ICT), energy and cross-border linkages, and facilitation for the smooth movement of people, goods and services.

Challenges to Address

Let me now address the several challenges facing ASEAN in achieving AEC 2015. Firstly, ASEAN has to manage the integration process and achieve the targets within the timeframes that have already been agreed. The recently concluded 16th ASEAN Summit in Viet Nam has called for the speeding up of the implementation of ASEAN agreements through timely ratification of agreements and protocols as well as concrete actions.

The ASEAN Leaders have emphasised the need to set-up a monitoring mechanism to ensure effective implementation, identification of priorities for each period and implementing bodies and improve the coordination among the pillars as well as resource mobilisation. These are very important issues to be addressed if ASEAN is to see the successful implementation of the ASEAN Community as a whole by 2015.

According to the first AEC Scorecard, ASEAN has a 75.5% achievement rate for the period 2008 to 2009. This is primarily due to the non-implemented measures involving the ratification of important economic agreements related to trade in goods, investment, transport and the cosmetics directive. Indeed, of the 124 economic agreements under AEC, only 73 per cent of them have been ratified by all ASEAN Member States. ASEAN Member States will have to look at ratifying them in a timely manner so that integration could be speed up.

More importantly, ASEAN Member States will have to transpose these regional commitments into national obligations through their respective domestic processes and at a quicker pace. The domestic legal enactments relating to ASEAN commitments could be monitored as part of the scorecard process.

Secondly, ASEAN countries should actively address the non-implementation of regional commitments, which should include capacity building to tackle any inadequacies in implementing commitments; peer reviews for sharing and learning of best practices as well as transparency and confidence-building; and utilising the dispute settlement mechanisms already in place to resolve issues in a rules-based manner. There could also be specific target-setting to encourage ASEAN to achieve more. For example, there could be specific targets for bringing down the costs of doing business in ASEAN.

Thirdly, a robust regional surveillance mechanism is necessary to track emerging risks in the AEC and to deal with them in a timely manner. In this regard, the ASEAN Secretariat will soon be establishing a Macroeconomic and Finance Surveillance Office which will undertake surveillance on economic and financial integration issues. The office, as a start, will embark on trade, investment, and macroeconomic surveillance for the AEC.

Fourthly, financing the development of an ASEAN single market and production base will continue to be a challenge. In this regard, ASEAN countries should look at innovative and creative ways to augment the funds being provided by dialogue partners and donors to support ASEAN economic integration. While ASEAN Dialogue Partners are keen in supporting ASEAN integration, such assistance is mostly limited to the softer side of integration such as capacity building, training and sharing of best practices and experiences.

The ASEAN Development Fund is undersized relative to what ASEAN intends to achieve by 2015. The Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM) and Credit Guarantee Investment Facility (CGIF) are examples where ASEAN is starting to put in its own resources for its own development but more will need to be done to achieve the ambitious goal of AEC.

One way forward would be to look at public-private partnership models. The participation of government in such high cost endeavours will reduce the risks of investors and make investing in such long-term projects attractive. The multilateral development banks, including the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank should also be actively engaged in such financing schemes. Our immediate neighbours such as China, Japan and Republic of Korea as well as India, Australia and New Zealand could be partners in some of these schemes as ASEAN’s growth will also impact these economies positively.

Fifthly, the development divide within ASEAN certainly deserves more attention to realise the AEC by 2015. The assistance to the CLMV countries needs to be stepped up to enable them to catch up with the ASEAN-6, so that they can effectively participate in building the AEC and fully benefit from it. Preliminary findings of a study on the impact of accelerating the AEC from 2020 to 2015 reveal that CLMV countries are benefitting in terms of increased trade and FDI flows amongst the CLMV countries, and with the ASEAN-6, and East Asia.

New approaches are being examined to assist the CLMV countries. One is “ASEAN help ASEAN approach” where the ASEAN-6 countries are sharing their expertise and experiences with these countries through bilateral development assistances. Two, intra-ASEAN investments from ASEAN-6 to these countries are increasing and this would help to transfer knowledge and technical know-how for their development and integration into the AEC. Three is to introduce targeted and tailored programmes for each of these countries to meet ASEAN economic integration goals such as the on-going Laos Pilot Project (LPP). This is tripartite cooperation model involving Lao PDR as the recipient of aid, JICA as the donor, and the ASEAN Secretariat as the facilitator.

Sixthly, the private sector of ASEAN must be better engaged in building the AEC as they are the principal driver of regional economic integration. There should be regular sector-specific dialogue with the business community so that ASEAN can address their concerns and create a more facilitating environment for doing business in the region. More technical meetings of ASEAN in the economic arena could also be opened up to the participation of the business community. More efforts are also needed to better engage the peoples of ASEAN, in particular the civil society, the strategic think-tanks and economic institutes to tap their expertise and knowledge. A good intellectual foundation and peoples’ participation will provide a stronger underpinning for the development and consolidation of the AEC.

Finally, if the private sector in ASEAN is the “driver” of economic integration, the ASEAN Secretariat must be the “lubricant” of this integration. The ASEAN Economic Ministers at their last meeting have given their strongest endorsement yet for an enhanced role of the Secretariat. A strengthened Secretariat will contribute more to regional economic surveillance; compliance monitoring; economic dispute settlement; and implementing major economic integration programmes. ASEAN must explore the tremendous potential of developing the ASEAN Secretariat by investing in its human resources and systems.

Concluding Remarks

The key challenge for ASEAN is to stay the course in community building as a whole. While readiness is important, it is not sufficient to deliver the AEC by 2015. The building of the AEC will need strong leadership, vision, political will as well as strong mechanisms and institutions to support coordination and implementation, both at the national and regional levels. ASEAN must continue to stay open and engage its partners to maximise the gains from the AEC given our outward-looking economic orientation. A transformation of mindset from “national interest to regional action” to “regional interest to national action” is also necessary for community-building as a whole.

The time left for the establishment of the AEC is less than 6 years. A greater sense of urgency is therefore necessary to achieve the goal of AEC and to maintain ASEAN’s centrality.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sidadania, Fuk Mean, ho Tetum...

Benvindu ba Maluk sira,

Hau contenti maluk sira iha tempo bele akompaina Blog ida ne'e tanba koalia buat diak ruma konaba isu importante nasional Timor Lorosae. Posting Reflesaun 20 de Maiu hetan reasaun makas mas la os konaba substansia maibe ba ataka karakter ka character assassination fali. Hanesan bai-bain subar iha anonimu nia kotuk para ema keta hare ho lalika hola responsabilidade. Iya dala rum a ita dehan la gentle. Ida be subar tiha ho hetan oportunidade trata ema fuik Los ne'e opportunista ka lae? Buat tolu mak hau hakarak koalia maka cidadania, Fuk mean, Lian Tetum.

1. Konstituisaun RDTL ho Lei no. 9/2002 la hate ten katak Timor Lorosae unika cidadania mas cidadaun nebe mak Timor oan sira hetan on a bele husik hela ninia cidadania TL bainhira sira hakarak. Se lae bele akumula dupla ka triplu sidadania. Tanba ne'e mak iha passports rua tolu ka liu. Konstituisaun nebe prepara hosi Assembleia Constituinte iha 2002 nebe autor Partidu Fretilin tanba sira mak maioria kuase absolutu. Ema barak usa fasilidade legal ida nee. Problema mosu bainhira Joao Mariano Saldanha (JMS)usa ema kontra liliu Bankada FRETILIN nebe foti iha Parlamentu Nasional haluha tiha sira mak autor Konstituisaun ho Lei no. 9/2002 nia. Depois mosu diskusaun vulgar iha Tatoli ho ohin lorin iha tan nebe badinas tebes tuir Mas Ida ne'e hanesan jogu politiku duke aspetu seriu ka credible seluk. Ataka governu, ataka asesor, ataka se deit mak halu servisu ba oin iha governu ne'e nia laran. Konsertesa iha frakesa iha area barak mas iha area ekonomia lamas tuir la hetan. Performansia phenomenal ekonomia TL ho kresimentu media double digit tinan hat nian laran hanesan rekor iha mundu. Ida ne'e rekoinesidu iha mundu ona. Iha aspetu balu hanesan desiquilibriu, Dili Centered Development, ho buat seluk tan hanesan agenda para atu hadia ho decentraliza atividade ekonomika ba distritu, sub-distritu ho suku sira. Maibe labele nega performansia ekonomia iha tinan hat nia laran ne'e. La os mos hanesan entre 2002 ho 2007 economy headed for crash iha tinan 2006. Hakarak hatene asesor makroekonomia see? Ho manan hira? Cek ho governu anterior..... Manan mungkin 5 kali lipat duke JMS hetan. Tanba sa? Tanba komprende ekonomia deit, la komprende politika kuandu buat rua kait ba malu ho pre kondis malu. Hatene ekonomia deit mak tur deit iha uma laran, hatene politika deit mak rungu ranga iha liur. Ekonomia ho politika tenki hasoru malu iha varanda para atu defini objectivu nasional duke baku malu iha liur ho baku computer mesak iha uma laran. Nee mak asesor makroekonomia ka ekonomia governu anterior la iha mas fiar tomak ba Malae. Malae manivela sala, ekonomia lao la los politika mos lao la los. No fim ekonomia crash ho hakfodak ita hotu iha lona okos....

2. Kulit Malae, laran Tetum. Sala, kulit Mateebian hun, laran Timor. Ba sira nebe hakerek Fuk mean ne'e la koinese Foho Lulik Matebian. Ka por konveniensia atu skor credit politika. maibe tama sala. Fuk mean sira hosi Matebian sorisorin iha Quelicai, Uatu-Lari, Baguia ne'e ho nia istoria rasik. Hosi Baguia mak hau seidauk hatene loloos, mas sira nebe tun mai Quelicai ho Uatu-Lari maka ne'e. Ida deit iha Matebian leten balu tun ba Abu ho Laisorulai (Quelicai), balu tun ba Laluwou (Uatu-Lari). Hosi ne'e balu tun mai Ira Lere ho balu tun mai Osobubu-Nunumalau ho Uatu Ita. Iha parte sira nee Fuk mean barak iha ne'e. Lena ho Buibela mos Fuk mean iha. Dala Ida tan, sala...sala... Kulit asli Timor, laran Timor, koala Makasae ho Naueti.

3. JMS hakarak ita hotu halu Tetum no 1, tuir mai Portugues, Ingles ho Bahasa. Buat rum a sala? La sala ida. Hau la presiza esplika naruk. Husu alin oan sira eskola primaria mos keta hakarak hanesan ne'e karik? Tetum no. 1. La os atu halakon sira seluk.

Mas usa fali passporte portugues? Oh, sira iha Timor tinan 450 nia laran. Pasaporte no 1 TL, 2 Portugues depois mak seluk. Hanesan ne'e mos lingua Tetum no 1, Portuguese 2 ho seluk tuir mai. Maun ho Abin Deputadu FRETILIN sira keta haluha tanba nain hira mak uluk desidi konaba cidadania ho lingua hotu iha Assembleia Konstituinte tanba nainhira mak maioria. Konsertesa 2007 Mai oin lae ona..... Lingua ita presiza mud a hanesam dulas bosok deit. La os atu halu lakon ida. Keta koalia barak, to'o haluha tiha katak iha Matebian Hun neba ne'e iha ema Fuk mean, la os misto.....

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Reflesaun 20 de Maiu

MONDAY, MAY 30, 2011

Reflesaun 20 Maiu 2011
Happy 20 de Maiu!

Loron 20 Maiu hanesan loron istoriku ida ba Timor Lorosae tanba iha loron ne'e, Timor Lorosae restaura independensia unilateral hodi hetan rekoinesimentu international ho soberania hosi Nasaun Unida. Ita komemora loron istoriku ne'e hodi hare lalaok nasaun nia durante tinan 9 nia laran hosi 2002. Ita hare ba situasaun ekonomika, politika, ho kultura hodi fo hanoin ba ita konaba oinsa mak lao ba oin hanesan nasaun ida nebe foin moris ho istoria nebe naruk.

Objetivu nasaun nia maka povu tenki moris diak, moris iha paz, ho moris iha unidade ho demokrasia nia laran. Nai ulun sira ho komponenti tomak nasaun nia tenki servisu ho objetivu komum atu loke oportunidade ba povu atu hetan aihan, hetan servisu, hetan eskola, ho hetan aimoruk bainhira sira moras. Nai ulun sira tenki servisu makas atu loke dalan hodi povu haruka sira nia oan sira ba eskola, iha oportunidade atu fila liman (bisnis), ho iha oportunidade atu lao tuir estrada nebe diak ho kaber. Objetivu sira ne'e hotu ita bele hetan bainhira povu Timor Lorosae bele moris hamutuk, moris iha paz, ho moris iha liberdade nia laran. Ho lian barak, ita hakarak iha nasaun Timor-Lorosae ne'e, povu bele moris diak, povu bele moris hamutuk, ho povu bele moris hakmatek. Ita kondena violensia, ita kondena kiak, ho ita kondena moras.

Ita mos kondena inkompetensia lideransa sira nia, bainhira iha oportunidade atu hadia povu nia moris, bainhira ita iha osan atu hadia povu nia moras, ho bainhira ita iha oportunidade atu hadia povu nia estrada.

Timor Lorosae ohin loron iha osan hodi hadia povu nia moris. Maibe ita seidauk usa didiak. Planu seidauk los, implementasaun seidauk pas, ho osan lakon mak barak. Desafiu ekonomiku ba Timor Lorosae maka oinsa halu planu diak hodi determina prioridade tuir povu nia nesesidade, halation hamlaha, hamosu servisu, ho hadia estrada.

Ohin loron Timor Lorosae presiza heroi foun asuwin foun. Aswain foun atu kombate inefisiensia ka korupsaun, aswain foun atu hadia infrastructura, aswain foun atu hasae produsaun agrikultura, ho aswain foun atu usa Tetum hanesan Lia Ofisial no. 1 iha Timor Lorosae. Dalam ba dezenvolvimentu presiza iha estabilidade, presiza iha pas, ho presiza iha unidade.

So hanesan ne'e maka ita sinti katak nasaun ne'e la hela ba oin, nasaun ne'e bele loke dalan ba nia oan sira hela hamutuk iha uma ida naran Timor Lorosae, Timor-Leste, East Timor ho Timor
Timur. Itanharuk ba hero sira, ho ita haruk ba povu Timor-Leste tomak hosimOe-Cussi liu hosi Memo to'o Tutuala.
Posted by Joao Mariano Saldanha at 3:38 PM

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

An Exchange on Nunumalau Trip

Thanks. I hope Miguel Alves is real so that we can start having discussions. I do appreciate your posting and hopefully this lead to somewhere for the benefit of our people. 

Often I also feel frustrated of not being able to do much with these degrees. I was not one of those who the government placed in special Merpati flights to study in Indonesia. Nor I was one of those who got into university in Java with full arrangement between PEMDA and University. neither, I was one of those who went to Australia and New Zealand under scholarship with selections in Dili. Upon completion of high school in Malang, returned briefly to Dili but wanted to study further. My brother Salvador handed me Rp. 80,000 then my mother secured additional Rp. 50,000 from my uncle Jacob and the next day I was in Merpati flight to Malang without a road map in 1984. Paid Rp. 75,000 or so for Merpati tickets using student discount to Bali then with night bus to Malang that evening. Initial thought was to Bandung to Universitas Parahyangan because it is Catholic and hope using my Catholicism to convince them to let me in. But at the Terminal I had a second thought. There is a Christian University in Salatiga. so stopped by in a storage place without knowing the area. Met with Pembantu Rektor Akademik John Ihalauw expressing my desire and was allowed to purchase forms to register for testing. Passed Agriculture and Econ Faculties son have to chose. Settled for Economics them the trouble begin. The school asked me to pay sumbangan and tuition fees in the order of million rupias. Look at my wallet it was Rp. 25,000. Then they reduced drastically to Rp. 85,000. Still with no money. What to do? Nobody near to help. Then approached Mr. Ovidio Amaral who was then Ketua IMPTY in Yogyakarta and asked for help. He lent me Rp. 125,000 and rushed back to Salatiga to pay the tuition and the university let me in. After several weeks my friends arrived from Dili on special arrangement with PEMDA, four of them. Was able to get scholarship  several months that went on to finish economics degree. Then decided to study further. So went to Jakarta applied for job as young lecturer of economics at Krida Wacana Christian University. The next year also was teaching at Atmajaya Catholic University. While working, again witnessed my colleagues from Dili gained scholarship through selections in Dili to study abroad. What a bad luck for me. After failing several scholarship tests, in 1992 won Fulbright Scholarship to America competing nationally in Indonesia. What a big surprise and self fulfilling effort. Very happy....

Yes, my family or grand family of Nunumalau truly reflect diversity of views. Remember Lobodara's older brother, Manu Leao was killed somewhere in Aileu or Maubisse or Same along with Tio Antonio Metan and Tio Constantino. Then Mana Celeste. I do have another cousin, Carlos F.R. Saky Lopes who is well known figure of RENETIL and currently staying at home now. We value differences so long that it does not get into violence.

Recounting of sufferings, everybody is affected and ours too that stretches back to 1959. Remember Manu Leao's father was killed in 1959 by the Portuguese regime. 

Let's start sharing views and who knows this may lead to somewhere useful for the Timorese in Uatu-Lari. A sub-district with so much potential and extra energy of its people. Still they are not able to pull it off. Time will help and new and small steps may be useful. I am happy to discuss with others and please go ahead pass the notes to others. Ani sinti beu mas tenki dala mori na no yabere gi sufa. Hakuak bot. Joao.

Sent from my iPad

On May 24, 2011, at 1:47 PM, Miguel Roksiano Bendito Belo Alves wrote:

Thank you very much for this Mr. Joao Saldanha,

I do appreciate with your writing below. Every one in Uatolari is praised Gregorio Basilio. Every one knows that Gregorio Basilio is your family. In my observation (maybe I'm wrong?) Uatolari people perception about Gregorio Basilio and his family is contradictory, Gregorio Basilio name is mentioned sometimes in public gathering in Uatolari to remember him as an high rank level in Falintil or Fretilin, I'm not sure, and sometimes people also mention about his sister who was killed by Milisia Alfa in the way from Lospalos to Baucau. And what I hear from people are talking around that Gregorio Basilio had different idea with his family to free Timor-Leste. You are well known in Timor-Leste and Uatolari people recognized you as a person with high quality and of course Uatolari people is proud of you. Saetiki, yes he is in Uatolari now, due to his Sister Bidolimau was joining Falintil/Fretilin, he was exiled with his family to Atauro, He was unable to go to SMP as SMP was not in Atauro at that time, he was actively involving in Clandestina until Indonesia left. As I said before in my email all people in Uatolari should have family link one another, but why there should be a few disputes? very bad story took place in Uatolari while you were away from Uatolari, if you go around in Uatolari, every family has its own history, some histories are same but some are different. These stories are forwarding from parents to sons and daughters and they are well keeping in each family house who lost one or two of his family members. Then now, what we should do? Writing the story? It is a good idea? I went to talk to some people to set up a Forum, to use Karau Fuik Name, you may also know this history. Drafting of by-law is ongoing. Reconciliation? What I'm thinking of is not the term: Reconciliation/Simu Malu or Nahe Biti Boot, but what I'm concerning is the approach, we are all brothers, good approach will make the ties of brotherhood becomes stronger, bad approach will face challenges. Good approach just needs honest, trust and confidence, a simple person can do it, I think it is also complicated and the process will take time, any way, communication like this and dialog is a good start, I also expect John Miller can help in this issue, but better to communicate in Tetum as most Uatolari People maybe not comfortable with English, I can forward this conversation to any one from Uatolari who cares the issues, we can set the mechanism for this communication and follows the ethics, if our Beihala can do it in their own way with limited resources, why it should be so difficulty for us?

Hakuak Boot 

From: Joao M. Saldanha
To: Miguel Roksiano Bendito Belo Alves
Cc: Mauberegimata Nokorau ; ""\"\\\"\\\\\\\"Timor Adventures \\\\\\\\(by way of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"ETAN/John M. Miller\\\\\\\" ,\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\" \\\" \" " " ; ""\"\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\" \\\" \" " "
Sent: Tue, May 24, 2011 4:51:32 PM
Subject: Re: Australian Government's Travel Advisory is scarring off potential tourists to East Timor

Thanks Miguel Alves for your accounts. 

Of course, I know him and know him very well. Yes, I know his story and actually stayed with us in Quintal Bot, Dili before I left for Java in August 1981. He stayed with us where head of family were my older brothers Salvador Soares and Jose Sousa. Manu Lucio was also there on the 21 of May remembering my father. As recent as March 30, he was back in Uatu-Lari to give accounts together with others. 

Mestri Julio Selok Pires was my teacher in primary school. Of course, I know him to'o and many of these figures that you mention as far as a boy in his 12th and 13th.

If you hold on, I can go over these issues according to my best recollections. I can start from early days in peaceful Uatu-Lari working on rice field in Faetun or cleaning to'os in Fatuboba or taken horses or buffaloes to water in Belia or guiding buffaloes in Nunumalau for pasture. 

I can also recount my days in Turisi  doing esclarecimento but exposed myself because did not use underwear in front of dozens of people in my tender age of 13.  Also can talk about teaching in Deinisi and just recently a former student said Saetiki was in my class. Not sure whether it is true. Also can tell the story of Bautae, the bairi'as of Bautae, reading poesia when Sahe was visiting zona or convivio in Bikalari. I can also tell the story when accompanying my cousin Gregorio Basilio Lobodara to Base somewhere after passing Buibela, do not remember correctly. I also know the DKs and the Kilobravos like Sandoc, Balek, Badlau, Loisiba and Mausiba. Not sure whether Mausiba was DK. Oh yes, I know comandante Rubileki to'o, Adjunto Solan. of course, they don't know me because I was just a kid.

Then guess what? Xanana Gusmao, one day he appeared in Uaibuileki with his escolto not sure for what but later I learned that he was interested in Lobodara's books on Marxism. My parents where hiding the books. But they took out the books and put on a table and Xanana started to go over them. The books included O Grou Amarelo talking about Yanzte River in China by Mao Tze Tung. The next day he left. Then probably he came back one more time for the books. But later I heard that Loisiba was mad because Xanana was visiting and wanted to date Prima Amelia.... They actually confronted in base up there on Matebian. 

You maybe also interested in the stories of recua to Matebian, through Laluwou, Buibela, Suliana, Cailelete, then famous Waibuitai story of bombardments. Final act of Matebian was going down to surrender through Osohuna, I guess then to Uatucarbau. By the way, I kept my diaries in small blue book given by Lobodara sometime before. But it was confiscated in Uatucarbau. Then moved on to Uatu-Lari. Then to Dili joining my brothers to study. In 1980 went to Baucau to look for study. Only a year with Pe Magalhaes and Mestri Joao Boavida. Then back to Dili before winning a scholarship study animal husbandry in Malang starting August 1981. 

My disappointment is that I do not know much the period between  1979 and 1981 back in Uatu-Lari because of communications, security and transport. But I urge you to do the story so that we can complement. I will also start asking people about these episodes which very clouded and need to sort out so that we all can go to the bottom.

Then we should ask John Miller the moderator of ETAN List whether he is okey doing this here in this forum. I prefer writing here instead of somewhere else.  

Thank you and will keep reading your postings. Cheers. Joao.

Sent from my iPad

On May 24, 2011, at 9:04 AM, Miguel Roksiano Bendito Belo Alves wrote:

I do agree with Maubergimata,

Has some one heard people killing in Uatolari after 1999, I guess not? But how about before 1999, particularly in 1980s, a massacre did took place in Uatolari Tuan and around, the Indonesian cronies who were involving in the killing, most of them are still in Indonesia and few came back to Timor-Leste, Mr. Saldanha may know a little about this and Mr. Lucio (known as Mestre Lucio) who survived from the killing and supposed to still have family relationship with Mr. Saldanha (Mr. Lucio's wife has close family relationship with Mr. Saldanha) has raised his witness in some occasions including before CAVR audience by saying (I wish I could remember Mr. Lucio's word clearly), "Indonesian army (TNI) doesn't recognize us, Timorese himself who begs for the killing, some of them are my wife's family), I escaped from the killing and hide in a hill near to Uatolari Tuan, I sent a letter to my wife, my wife was aware of the danger I was in, I may get recapture,  my wife sent me a Guia de Marcha which already signed by Indonesian Authority, it helped me traveled along the jungle to Baucau, they knew I was in Baucau, they (Timorese, and they speak Nauhety, so they are Nauhety, what is a little bit common in Uatolari, to call you are Makasae or Nauhety ) went to case me in Baucau, I was lucky and escaped from the hunting to Dili and to Maubesi, where I'm from, Thanks to the Lord, He saved me, the only person to tell the story, I know my witness is not good for my wife's family, but I should tell the story because I know God leads me to do so" and most the victims are from Makadiki (which Mr. Saldanha mentioned in his writing), Matahoi, Uaitame and a few from Nauheti speaking, let's say Julio Mauselok who was a friend and a family to the killing master mind, The killing began with Liurai (Makadiki, Joao Menezes (poisoned), Matahoi Leader (Liurai Family) Matahoi, Sebastiao Alves, shot and to more hundreds of people, some was shot to death, tortured to death, and much more children and women were death due to food scarcity and hygiene challenges, ICRC activists and Avo Katekista Tuan Mateus Da Silva must record in his diary.   
Thanks for reading my story, who ever cares this story, not even Xanana, though when these guys took the victims' belonging such as animals and Natar (rice field which also mentioned in Mr. Saldanha writing as a dispute case), nu'u, and saying, I'm taking yours from you, now Xanana is governing lekirauk (monkeys) in the jungle, once Xanana be back and in power we will return yours, but what Xanana is doing? when a person (still a live), Indonesian forces amputated one of his arms, Xanana said to him, once I go to the town, I'll cut their arm and will bring to replace yours, Xanana: once we get independence, if I eat stone you will eat stone as well, but if I eat bread you will join me. That's life, everything is changing, in his second visit to Uatolari, Xanana brought Jacinto Osokaiwa (one of the Uatolari Master Mind) and saying to victims and victims family, "no need to keep revenge, development can only be done if there is a reconciliation". The government Authority came to Uatolari for reconciliation dialog and begin his briefing by saying "I came along the road, it is such very bad road condition, why such condition still happen because you are not calm down and focusing on the development" and suddenly one ordinary community member raised his hand up and interrupting the brief by saying "ok, I understand, how about Ossu, Lakluta, there is no problem, but why you don't do anything to fix the road, what we need is "JUSTICE" here we get in touch like family, one from Nauheti may already marry to one of my family member, we have lian feto San Umane" what we want is where those people have been killed? and where they have been buried? I need just a simple thing like Tais, instead of providing me a Tais you brought to me a car, I never learn to drive a car and how you push me to do this thing and to follow everything you want"

Every body... that is my description about Uatolari, hope you get the truth, you may want to spent some of your times to talk with Mestre Lucio or person alike to know what is true and what totally misleading.

Obrigadu Barak ba Ita nian tempu hodi le'e.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Up date from Nunumalau, part 3

Among the topics that emerged in discussions in old Uatu-Lari on May 22 was that political situation is calm and several parties recently undertake their consolidation in the area. This is because part of the people are busy with ricefield, projects, and keeping up with their lives. The road project to from old Uatu Lari to Iralere is done by a construction company owned by a Gregorio, a Macadique person who has recently returned from Ireland after 8 to ten years with some cash and set up a construction company, bought equipments through financing, and bid for projects. He was awarded the road project and is absorbing a number Macadique youths to work in projects. Mostly those who made problems or the muturabus of the past. Since the projects is done within the community who speak Naueti and these youth speak Macasae, it is challenging how to  confront this environment in which they have to work with their counterparts of Naueti. The environment of hostilities that have stretched over decades depending on political conjecture. However, the project in it's fifth to nine months and no incidence of violence between them. Probably, this is another step forward. Emerging local entrepreneur helping youth moving forward by creating work, improving infrastructure, and helping to consolidate peace. This seems to be a complicated work and can only be delivered by giants but Gregorio is delivering it. What a major step forward...

As tense as maybe, there are also laughhable situations. It happens with the recent consolidation of CNRT in Naedala, Bebui. Miguel Laliu from Macadique was delivering invitations to other party leaders In the area. Laliu took extra caution by carrying with him his samurai (sword). One hand with Samurai and another with invitation, and there it goes Laliu going to handover invitations to party leaders. Got to a house of a 'radical leader', this person begin to shout. Laliu said, don't shout and don't come close, this is the invitation. Laliu said while another hand was ready to pull the samurai out from the case in case the other side came close.... Then Laliu moved on to another house and to another person....

Uatu Lari people being aggressive is well known. I remember back pre 1975, the Sunday bazar always ends with violence. As people start together selling their agriculture produce and other goods. The bazar period will be the day of festivity in the local area, the crowd is getting bigger toward mid day, especially after Sunday mass finishes. In the bazar, people wander around, youth trying to attract the attention of different sexes, futumanu, volley ball and many other activities. There is also tuaka drinkers around. Suddenly, boom people running around stepping on goods, Each other, and kids.... What happened? Oh there is a fight, one person was macheted. Tis episode could be repeated in bazar and so on. People like me and my generation in Uatu-Lari have seen these things recurring pre 1975. People also kill. Each other on the garden to'os because livestock entering in a garden or killing each other to control irrigation water source. The last ones often happens at night. 

Friends also raise rumors floating around saying that 'in the past we burned leave houses, government replaced with stone houses. What about just kill people, let's see whether tine government can replace.' I said that justice is keeping up with the process albeit slowly. Look also at the trial of VPM Luis Guterres. For those spreading these rumors to intimidate, record their names and addresses. So that at one point anything happens to you and others we can trace them and forward their names to policy and to the justice system. Whatever party you choose in 2012 elections depending on your choices, acting solely on your conscience without somebody out there terrorizing you to chose. I dont believe in these rumors but in the past we neglected until it happened. Raise this issue with local authorities and if possible ask for more police stations in the critical areas. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Journey to Nunumalau, Uatu-Lari

Traveling from Dili to Nunumalau in Uatu-Lari (southeastern part of East Timor) took about 8 hours for aproximately 300 kms. This length suppose to be reach in less than a hour driving from San Diego - Los Angeles in California! 

Roads continue ton deteriorate along all segments with the worst. Right from Fatu Ahi, Dili through Vemase, Baucau - Venilale, Venilale - Ossu. Few improvements from very bad ones is Viqueque - Old Uatu-Lari and to Nunumalau at foot of western part of Mt Matebian. 

These are the most visible changes along the roads after almost six months not traveling in this route. 

Another aspect specific to yesterday was the 20 of May Celebrations. Started from Dili, Manatutu, and Viqueque with all sub districts along this route, such as Metinaro, Vemase, Ossu, Venilale, and Uatu-Lari. Interestingly, CPD RDTL also has celebrations on their own. 

Big change is Uatu-Larinthe barometer for security in East Timor. People now busy working on their rice field for the second season of rice cultivation along the road linking Darabai (Sub-District) to Bebui the river that provides water through the irrigation canal. Driving around 5 pm local time, you will see people coming out from rice fields walking without shoes. Some guiding tractors and their kohe, etc... A visible change!

Of course social issues of rice field conflict persists so long there is no proper judicial system addressing the problem at the core. 

Political tension persists amid of fears of a certain party militants threatening here and there.  However, the nature of people talking to you is more relaxed and they don't to glimpse around for safety before talking to you like in the past, especially in election year of 2007 or before. This another big change.... This new development is strengthened by more political parties having their activities in the sub district lately and slow slow people begin to see more parties more choices although it may take a bit longer to live through it. Of course, one suku, Macadique still dominated by a big party but that to'o is beginning to erode particularly with openness and more parties beginning to make a way in. We hope this episode to continue and keeping debates around programs rather intimidation and personal cult will be very healthy in the coming elections. 

In general, people have passed another psychological barrier and driving and talking in fear. More activities will certainly help. A sub-district that is rich in natural resources (on shore gas, Ricefield, cocunut, livestock, fishery, and many others. Babies are generally healthy, which could be surprised by outsiders. 

So travel warnings these days seem to making up and does jot reflect the true situation. If Uatu-Lari becomes stable, so goes East Timor. We hope this happen and happen soon. The contribution of the sub district to the local economy, district, and national could be significant given it's potential in gas, agriculture, tourism, and braveness of the people. In the Portuguese time, Uatu-Lari was known as Celeiro de Timor (Wharehouse of Timor) because it met the demand of rice for the whole country...... Joao from Nunumalau, Uatu-Lari.

Sent from my iPad

On May 19, 2011, at 10:42 PM, "Timor Adventures" (by way of "ETAN/John M. Miller" ) wrote:

Australian Government’s Travel Advisory is scarring off potential tourists to East Timor

We would like to share our disappointment and frustration with the ongoing portrayal of East Timor as an unsafe travel destination to be approached with a high degree of caution.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Website advises:

·         “you to exercise a high degree of caution in East Timor because of the uncertain security situation and the possibility of civil unrest. The situation could deteriorate without warning.

·         You should avoid demonstrations, street rallies and public gatherings as they may turn violent.

·         Violent disturbances, often resulting from minor disputes, can erupt in Dili without notice and escalate quickly.

·         Pay close attention to your personal security at all times and monitor the media for information about possible new safety and security risks.”
Recently a group of motorcycle enthusiasts who were planning to tour East Timor with us in August read this advice and  pulled out of the tour planned for August.

         What worried these potential visitors is The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade statement that as of 16 May 2011

         ‘This advice has been reviewed and reissued. The overall level of the advice has not changed.’
         Running motorcycle tours and engaging in culturally sensitive tourism in East Timor is our modest attempt to assist in the economic development of East Timor.

         What can we say to our customers to overcome this entrenched negative perception of East Timor?

         We would welcome any alternative and ideally officially endorsed update that will help us portray East Timor as the fantastic adventure and cultural tourism destination that it truly is.
Feedback is most welcome.
Dave and Shirley Carlos
Timor Adventures

Further update from Nunumalau,

Two days ago I was sitting in a car at the cape of  the western foot of Mt Matebian around 4pm trying to read news and checking emails. But had to stick to one spot, which otherwise will lose the whole connection. In addition, I was in hurry because a messenger in motor bike told me to go back soon to Knua about 1 km because the local priest, Pe Ferdy from the Philippines with his entourage just arrived from Darabai (new Uatu Lari) and ready to celebrate a mass at the family Cemetery, remembering my father and my admirer, the late Januario Saldanha, a humble and wise man, farmer, illiterate, and father of 12 children (two died in their childhood). He passed away on May 22, 2009 and family and friends gathered to remember him in that afternoon.

Celebrations went well, attended by around 100 people altogether. The whole mass was conducted in Tetum by Pe Ferdy. His homily was also in Tetum and spoke about 30 minutes without text. He was emphasizing the need to leave together, the need to continue praying, and the need to respect each other. He also said, " Hau mai atrasado tanba hau hasoru ema lori mate ida tuir dalan. Sira dada kaixaun ne'e ba sorin, dudu ba oin, dudu ba sorin tan ho dada mai kotuk. Kleur  la halimar. Hau hare sira hakilar ho hananu iha Naueti mas kaixaun nunka ba oin. Hau hare ema ida la reza ida. Née la los. Hau tun tiha hateke sira mara-maran ho tonka kanotak. Depois sira nonok ona ho mate komesa lao ba oin. Sarani sira ida ne'e los. mate tenki reza. Imi bele oho karau 25 mos sei la ajuda barak tanba imi mak han naan, maibe matebian la hetan buat ida. Ninian mak ita halu orasaun ne'e. I was late because on the way I encountered many people holding a cascade for funeral. I was waiting patiently because it took a lot of time. The cascade never moved forward because some are pushing to the other side, then others pulling to the back, then pushing to other side and to the front while singing and shouting in Naueti. However, nobody was praying. I got out of my car, and give a serious and strange look at them. Then the cascade started to move forward. This is not correct. You can sing and shout. But the deceased need our prayers. You can slaughter 25 buffalos for the funeral. This is for you who are alive but not for the deceased." 

The next day, May 22 after talking to friends went to take shower in a small river (belorin) with pristine water (fresh and mildly cold). You can drink straight from the pipe, where residents installed. Took shower and back to Knua, packing then left for old Uatu-Lari for about 12.30 pm. Meeting friends and families talking here and there waiting for lunch, first merenda about 1pm. Then lunch about 4pm. Continue talking and listening to things that are hapening around. Power was on during the night but also on that day. Small bulbs in houses continue lighting. Actually it was seen along the road with lights are all up in the small houses or hatches about mid day. It turned out that power is on and sourced from a generator installed in Aliambata next to gas sheep and transmission line reached Diribu about 10 to 12 Kms from Aliambata toward Nunumalau. 

There were also an escavator, loder, and other road equipments fixing roads from old Uatu-Lari toward Nunumalau and Iralere. 

Suddenly, the clock was showing around 7.30pm. We have to pack and leave because it is dark. Friends asked whether to go straight to Dili. I said, let's see. If we drive and feel not good we may overnight somewhere along the road, be in Vqq or Baucau. After dislodging a friend in Bebui and two others in Darabai, we drove straight to Vqq. Passed Macadique, roads were empty and residents are in their houses. Usually this area is busy with pedestrian walking and youths chatting on the sides of the road. In Besia, there was a need to go to toilet. Asked the driver to stop so we can go for an open toilet in the darkness with houses mo where around. Suddenly, there was flash lights about 3 to 4 coming toward our car. I said to others what is this. Nobody knew and about 100 meters they turned to right and went to the beach while speaking to each other. It turned out that youths actually going to beach for fishing because more chances for catching during the night. Not sure it was true. 

Got to Vqq about 8.40 pm. Then ate plain porridge with papaya leave. checked emails. Some reacting to the posting of the previous day, contending that 300 kms cannot be reached in a hour even with a Ferrari F1. So responded to say thank you for the attention. not sure 300kms equivalent to 186 miles or so cannot be done in an hour with Ferrari F1.

After checking emails, I asked the driver and others whether to overnight or continue travel to Dili. the answer was yes with no hesitation. So we left about 9.25pm driving toward Ossu. Just notice this segment actually is worse than in the previous times and slowed down the travel. Just about to enter Ossu, checked email and responded to another friend's email. It was about 10.40 pm or so. We continued traveling, passing the famous Larigutu then Venilale. Only night buses were passing but no other cars. Almost to enter Baucau city, there was a hylux upside down with wheels toward the sky. Apparently, that was a reckless driver and not sure whether there was any deaths.

Passing Baucau Airport, the speed begin to increase hitting 100 kms per hour. This segment is the first world road for East Timor, while the segments Ossu - Vqq the fourth world and Vqq - Uatu Lari the third world......

Passing Laleia, checked email, there was suggestion to write a diary on this travel from a friend. I responded to him what an enjoyable travel, peaceful, and breezing around this time around between Lalaia and Manatutu. it was 12.45am. Inspired by the suggestion, I begin to enter Facebook account to just record things seen around while travelling and at the same time keeping company of the driver. Signals were full, so was able to log into face book wrote as much as possible. By the time reaching Subao Bot after Beheda, the message was ready to share. Then boom, signal disappeared, forced to share but looks no luck. 

We continue traveling and getting to Dili via Meti Aut after Dolokoan we looked for Pakistani contingent which used to guard on the top hill but it was empty. Then passed JRH's 
Compound straight to Culuhun. By the time we open the gate, it was 2.39 am. 

Safe, secure and said good by to my cousin and driver. What was an interesting journey from the land of muturabu to praca Dili.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Timor-Leste and ASEAN 2030

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and
Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste
Á gio Pereira

May 16, 2011

Dí li, Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste reviews economic targets with ASEAN experts

Dr. Joao M. Saldanha, a Senior Economic Adviser to the Ministry of Finance, represented the Government of Timor-Leste presenting a paper on Timor-Leste and ASEAN 2030 to distinguished members from the ASEAN community including key
economic players from major think tanks from the 10 ASEAN member countries, the ASEAN Secretariat, and the Asian Development Bank. Expert participants in a proceeding round table discussion included Dr. Chalongphoob Sussamkam, a former Minister of Finance of Thailand and now with the Thailand Development Research Institute, Dr. Mohammad Ariff, a distinguished Fellow at the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research, a think tank closely associated with Malaysia's Central Bank, Dr. Chia Siow Yue, a top economist of Singapore and former head of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, and Dr. Dante Canlas, Professor of Economics at the University of Philippines and former Secretary of Socio Economic Planning and Director General of the National Economic Development Authority of the Philippines.

A core topic of the presentation was Timor-Leste’s double-digit economic targets for the coming decades building on the momentum of the average double-digit growth of the last four years and the opportunities and challenges for Timor-Leste joining ASEAN.

Several countries that have achieved double-digit growth for decades were considered in the discussion including China, which achieved an average growth rate of 10.2% for 28 years (1982-2009); Japan which achieved an average double-digit growth rate of 10.01% for two decades (1951-1970) and Botswana which achieved a staggering average growth rate of 13.5% for 22 years (1968-1989).

Based on the convergence hypothesis that low income and poor countries will grow more rapidly than high income and rich countries, the experts agreed Timor-Leste’s economy, benchmarked from a very low base, can grow in double-digits for an extended period. Amongst other counsel, experts recommended focusing on the source of growth including primary sector priorities, labor productivity, and identifying and reducing inefficiencies.

The recent ADB publication, ASIA 2050, predicts strong growth in Asia in the next decades, with the suggestion that “Asia is in the midst of a truly historic transformation. If it continues to grow on its recent trajectory, it could, by 2050, account for more than half of global GDP, trade and investment, and enjoy widespread affluence. Its per capita income could rise six-fold.”

Dr. Saldanha responded to inquiries on the benefits of Timor-Leste joining the Association of South East Asian Nations by highlighting that Timor-Leste is in a period of rapid economic advance which would provide benefit to member countries as well as the People of Timor-Leste by involvement and participation in a likeminded organization that promotes the acceleration of economic growth and improvement of quality of life of the people in the region. ENDS

For More Information Please Contact:
Ágio Pereira +670 723 0011
E-mail or govtlmedia@gmail.

Timor-Leste's Application to Join ASEAN

Why Timor-Leste should join ASEAN now

May 16th, 2011

Author: President J. Ramos-Horta, Timor-Leste

Our desire to join ASEAN is a long-standing one and in the last 10 years we have shown unequivocal determination to join the organisation.

Geographically, we are very much part of Southeast Asia. Indonesia has shown statesmanship, vision and a real sense of history by being among those who are most strongly advocating for Timor-Leste’s early membership as early as this year.

Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Brunei, The Philippines, Cambodia and Myanmar have expressed public support. When I visited Cambodia a few weeks ago, I was told by Prime Minister Hun Sen that in preparation for Cambodia’s 2012 chairmanship of ASEAN, they are already making additional arrangements to accommodate Timor-Leste as the 11th member. Prime Minister Hun Sen said in his usual straightforward way: ‘If Indonesia is so supportive of Timor-Leste joining ASEAN now, why should any of us object?’ Even Myanmar has expressed support for an early membership in spite of our criticisms of the regime’s human rights record. But Singapore, while agreeing with Timor-Leste’s ASEAN membership, objects to early membership as, it argues, Timor-Leste is not yet ready to absorb the many challenges and complexities of ASEAN membership. Below I argue why Timor-Leste is ready to join ASEAN.

Social, economic, political and security conditions

According to the just-released UNDP Human Development Report 2011, Timor-Leste’s Human Development Index value for 2010 is 0.502, placing it in the medium human development category. In 2005, Timor-Leste’s Human Development Index value was 0.428, and its level at independence in 2002 was 0.375.

We have moved ahead of some older ASEAN members like Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar, and we are just behind Vietnam in the overall measure of human development. Timor-Leste, with a ranking of 120 out of 169 countries, is above Lao PDR (122), Cambodia (124), Myanmar (132).

Timor-Leste is also ranked higher than Papua New Guinea (137) and most Sub-Saharan African countries; notably Kenya (128), Nigeria (142), Angola (146) and Mozambique (165).
School enrolment jumped from a modest 63 per cent in 2006 to 82.7 per cent in 2009. Some major population centres are now free of illiteracy, namely the Oe-Cussi and Manatuto Districts, Atauro Island, totalling more than 100,00 people who have graduated from illiteracy to functioning literacy in the last two years. Illiteracy will be eliminated in Timor-Leste by 2015.

Child mortality and infant mortality under five, as well as post-birth mother mortality, have been halved. Incidences of malaria, dengue and poverty have decreased significantly in the last four years. According to the WHO, Timor-Leste, with less than one case of leprosy per 10,000 people, is now free from this centuries-old disease.

The above-mentioned UNDP Report points out that from 2005 10,Timor-Leste’s life expectancy at birth increased by more than two years and now averages 62.1 years. Its GNP per capita increased 228 per cent during the same period to more than US$5,000.

Timor-Leste has no foreign debt, and according to The Economist 2010 Pocketbook, it has the highest surplus in the world of over 280 per cent as percentage of GDP. Our economy has continued to show robust growth for four consecutive years now, and according to The Economist, Timor-Leste is among the nine fastest growing economies of the world in 2011. The political situation in Timor-Leste in the last few years has been remarkably free of tension. On the security front, unlike the situation prevailing in parts of the Asia region, Timor-Leste does not have ethnic or religious conflicts, organised crime or armed insurgency.  Like Singapore and others in the early years of independence, Timor-Leste has had to confront political and social tensions and in some instances, sporadic violence has flared up. However, we have been able to quickly overcome these spasms, that are typical in nation-building, and we have rebounded from the brief periods of crisis even stronger as the UNDP Human Development data show.

Transparency, good governance

The London-based Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) rates Timor-Leste the best performer in Asia, and third in the world, in terms of accountability and transparency in the management of our Petroleum resources.

In the pursuit of good governance and transparency, and to get rid of the worldwide phenomenon of corruption, our National Parliament has passed the Anti-Corruption Law and we since created the Anti-Corruption Commission. We have also strengthened the offices of the Ombudsman (Provedor de Justica e Direitos Humanos) as well the investigative powers of the Prosecutor-General.

With active support from Indonesia, Australia and the US, we are strengthening our national police, enabling them to better prevent, intercept and fight all forms of organised crime, ranging from sex slavery to peoples smuggling, drug trafficking and money laundering. We are fortunate in that there is no active organised crime in Timor-Leste. But we are conscious that we have to do much more in this regard so that Timor-Leste may rightly claim to be relatively free of corruption and organised crime will never able to gain a foothold here.

Democracy, human rights, foreign relations

We are proud of what we have achieved in the brief years since 2002. We have a dynamic multi-party democracy with nine parties in the National Parliament. Almost 30 per cent of the elected MPs are women, and several women hold key ministerial portfolios.

Timor-Leste stands out with its very liberal and humanist Constitution that prohibits the death penalty. We have ratified all major International Human Rights Treaties and have complied with our reporting obligations. Timor-Leste, according to Reporters Without Borders, has one of the freest media in the region.

Since our independence, we have made every effort to harmonise our foreign and security policies with those of our ASEAN neighbours. For instance, we supported every ASEAN member country or national’s candidacy to the various United Nations bodies and specialised agencies, programs, etc. This includes Singapore.

We have been sensitive to our neighbours’ views on regional and global issues, always making every effort not to stray from the ASEAN view whenever there is a consensus on a specific country situation or thematic issue.

We have friendly and pro-active relations with all emerging powers like China, India, South Africa, and Brazil while maintaining special relations with Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Republic of Korea, the EU and the US, where Timor-Leste has always enjoyed strong bi-partisan support.

Our main security partners continue to be Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, the US, Japan and Portugal. Australian and Portuguese instructors train our soldiers and officers; an increasing number of young officers have undertaken or are currently undertaking advanced training in Australia, Indonesia, Japan and Portugal.

Timor-Leste police officers have served and are serving with the United Nations in the Balkans and Africa. Soon, a significant number of Timor-Leste army engineers will be deployed in Lebanon as part of a Portuguese engineering group. Dozens of our compatriots are serving as UN Volunteers in Sierra Leone, Liberia, DR Congo and Afghanistan.

As poor as we are, we have nevertheless provided humanitarian assistance to countries, rich and poor, afflicted by natural calamities. We have provided in cash support to victims of natural disasters in Indonesia, Myanmar, China, Madeira Islands (Portugal), Haiti, Brazil and Australia, totalling close to US$5 million in the last three years.

In the past decade, we haven’t had a single diplomatic or security incident involving any of our neighbours. Relations with Indonesia, our nearest neighbour, with whom we share land and sea borders, are exemplary.

In view of Timor-Leste’s financial circumstance and its proven ability to engage regionally and internationally, Timor-Leste is ready to join ASEAN this or next year. We concede we have many weaknesses and shortcomings. But ASEAN could admit Timor-Leste now and give us a five to ten year transition period, during which we would expand efforts to catch up to the more advanced ASEAN members. This would make sense, in line with past ASEAN practice in relation to other members and in line with the European Union practice in admitting new members and supporting them until they are able to live up fully to their obligations. ASEAN fellow members should not have to worry about any financial costs as Timor-Leste will not beg for economic or financial support.

José Ramos-Horta is the President of Timor-Leste.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Orsamento Estado ho Kresimentu Ekonomiku

Joao M. Saldanha, Ph.D
Oratio Sapiente Cerimonia Graduasaun
Institutu Ciencia Religosa, St Tomas Aquino
Dili, 2 Abril 2011

Excelensia Ministro Edukasaun, Dr Joao Cancio Freitas,
Excelentissimu Reverendissimu Amo Bispo Dili, Dom Alberto Ricardo da Silva
Exceletissimu Reverendissimu Magnifiku Reitor ICR, Amo Gabriel Koten
Graduantes ho familia tomak nebe haksolok mak hau hadomi,
Konvidados ho komunidade akademika ICR mak hau hadomi,

Parabens ba graduadu foun sira ba loron espesial ida ne’e. Ita bot sira hakur tiha ona mota bot ida ho susesu. Ohin loron ba oin, ita bot sira iha atributu ida tan, lisensiadu/baxarelatu. Atributu ne’e mai ho orguilu tanba resultadu ne’e sai hosi esforsu bot ida. Esforsu ne’e dala ruma husik hela oan ba inan sira, husik hela servisu ba sira nebe servisu, ho husik umak kain ba sira nebe mai hosi distritu, hosi sub-distritu ho hosi suku sira.

Ho haksolok spesial ida ne’e, hau husu ba imi graduadu sira atu usa imi nia matenek didiak hodi hadia imi nia moris, hadia imi nia komunidade nia moris, ho hadia imi nia nasaun nia moris.

Matenek ka riku soin lisensiadu/baxarelatu nebe imi hetan ohin, sei hela ho imi to’o mate. Riku soin hotu-hotu ema bele hadau ho bele lakon. Tanba ne’e, usa didiak matenek ne’e, labele sai fali elite nebe arogante ka loko an.

Tinan 22 liu ba, hau mos hamrik hanesan imi hodi simu diploma sarjana. Ema hotu dehan sai sarjana sa makas ona. Sarjana ne’e perigu los…. Maibe simu tiha diploma (ijazah) hau sinti seidauk to’o, mesmu ke sarjana ekonomia tiha ona. Tanba ne’e hau desidi eskola tan ba Master. Hetan tiha diploma Master, sinti ba seidauk to’o ... Eskola tan ba doutoramentu ka Ph.D. Hotu tiha doutoramentu mos seidauk to’o nafatin. Maibe hare ba leten, la iha tan ona level ke as liu Ph.D. Nune’e, hau mos komesa buka servisu. Istoria badak ne’e atu hakarak hateten katak mesmu ke lisensiadu ona sei presiza estuda tan. Mesmu ke Ph.D ona presiza estuda nafatin/le nafatin tanba siensia ne’e evolui (avansa) lalais deit. Se iha oportunidade, imi buka eskola tan. Keta kontenti to’o iha lisensiadu ka baxarelatu deit.

Graduadu sira mak hau respeita,

Hau mos kontenti ho imi tanba hetan oportunidade ida atu fahe hanoin ho imi, konvidadu sira, ho komunidade akademika ICR sira iha mementu espesial  ida ne’e. Komisaun Organizadora husu ba hau atu koalia konaba Orsamentu Estadu ho Kresimentu Ekonomiku. Topiku ida ke relevante tebes mesmu ke ita bot sira nia area la os ekonomia.

Dala barak ita rona, “kresimentu ekonomiku ne’e 12% karik, agora ne’e povu nia moris oin seluk ona.” Hau nia kolega ekonomista ida nebe Deputadu mos hatete, “Ekonomia moris 12% ne’e, falsu. Povu nia moris la muda buat ida.” Ka ‘osan bar-barak, povu nia moris at hela deit.” Hanoin sira ne’e hatudu katak orsamentu estadu kait malu makas ho kresimentu ekonomiku. Kresimentu ekonomiku kait malu makas ho povu nia moris. Tanba ne’e, maka orsamentu estadu kait malu makas ho moris povu nia.

Maibe hau hakarak klarifika katak kresimentu ekonomiku ne’e hanesan objetivu interinu ida (sasaran antara) dezevolvimentu nia. Objetivu final (ka sasaran akhir) maka atu halakon kiak para ema hotu bele moris diak, moris hakmatek, ho moris saudavel. Ho lian seluk, kresimentu ekonomiku hanesan objetivu kurtu prazu ho halakon kiak hanesan objetivu mediu ho longu prazu. Tanba ne’e, mak ita presiza halakon tiha hanoin ida katak iha korelasaun instante (teki-teki) entre kresimentu ekonomiku ho povu nia moris. Kresimentu ekonomiku tinan ida ka tinan rua la automatikamente hadia povu nia moris. Maibe kresimentu ekonomiku nebe positivu, sa tan as (double digit) - hanesan iha Timor-Leste entre 2007 – 2010 - hanesan start diak ida iha prosesu desevolvimentu atu halakon kiak.

Kresimentu ekonomiku positivu sei dada setor privadu atu investe tanba ekonomia nasaun ne’e atu sai bot. Ema hakarak loke kios, ema hakarak loke fabrika, ka ema hakarak ke’e minarai tanba iha esperansa tanba sira fiar katak sira nian osan sei fila aban bainrua. Tanba ne’e mak sira hakarak investe ka kuda  sira nia osan iha nasaun ida hanesan Timor-Leste.

Nune’e ita husu, saida maka kresimentu ekonomiku? Kresimentu ekonomiku dehan katak atividade ekonomika nasaun ida nia aumenta iha periudu ida. Ita bele fera ekonomia Timor-Leste ne’e ba setor tolu, hanesan setor agrikultura, setor industria ho servisu, ho setor publiku (estadu). Produsaun setor agrikultura sae, maka kresimentu ekonomiku mos sae. Bainhira atividade industria hanesan produsaun bataku sae, maka kresimentu ekonomiku mos sae. Nune’e mos bainhira atividade servisu (services) sira hanesan komersiu (loja), konstrusaun uma, telefone, ho transporte sae maka kresimentu ekonomiku mos sae. Ikus liu, bainhira despesa governu sae, li-liu atu hadia’a infrastrutura ho formasaun rekursu humanu sae maka kresimentu ekonomiku mos sae – ceteris paribus (buat hotu la muda). Ho lian seluk, bainhira atividade setor tolu ne’e ida sae, maka kresimentu ekonomiku mos sae – ceteris paribus.

Hosi sorin seluk, bainhira produsaun setor tolu ne’e ida tun, maka kresimentu ekonomiku mos sei tun – ceteris paribus.

Pergunta bot iha publiku Timor-Leste, inklui mos Deputadu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional maka ne’e, sera ke kresimentu ekonomiku as (double digit) tinan ida muda ona povu nia moris? Hau dehan lae? Ezemplu konkretu maka ne’e. Manuel loke kios iha Merkadu Halilaran. Segunda feira, nia faan sasan hetan $20 dollar. Tersa feira, nian faan tan hetan $30 dollar. Iha ne’e, rendimentu Manuel nian sae $10 ka 50% ((30 – 20)/20*100%) hosi Segunda ba Tersa. Ka kresimentu rendimentu (ekonomiku) Manuel nia sae 50% ne’e muda kedas ona Manuel nia moris? Lae! Tanba Manuel tenki faan nafatin, faan barak tan, ho rai hamutuk osan hodi atende nia negosiu ho atende nia vida. Bainhira osan barak ona, maka nia bele sosa bisikleta ida. Barak liu tan, sosa motor ida. Barak liu tan bele halu ninia uma ho halu buat selu-seluk tan. Tempu hira mak to’o ba Manuel atu sosa bisikleta? Sosa motor? Ka halu uma? Tempu bele badak maibe la os hosi loron ida ba loron seluk ka la os hosi Segunda ba Tersa Feira. Ne’e presisa loron barak, fulan ida ka bele tinan ida. Ka bele liu tan…

Ezemplu seluk. Iha agrikultura, Lobo Dara halai natar. Tinan 2008 nia produs hare tonelada 2. Tonelada rua ne’e to’o para nia han deit. Tinan 2009, nia produs tonelada tolu. Produsaun sae tonelada 1 (ka sa 50%) hosi tinan 2008 ba 2009. Sera ke moris Lobo Dara nian diak kedas ona iha tinan 2009? Lae! Nian tenki aumenta produs tan, nafatin tinan ba tinan. Balu nia han, balu nia faan hodi sosa sasan seluk hodi hadia ninia produsaun ho hadia ninia moris. Bainhira produsan ne’e sae bebeik tinan ba tinan, maka Lobo Dara bele tau hamutuk hare hodi troka ba karau ka atu faan hetan osan  atu sosa buat ruma hodi hadia ninia moris. Ida ne’e lori tinan hira? Bele kleur depende ba Lobo Dara ninia badinas ho Lobo Dara ninia hahaluk.

Hanesan mos kresimentu ekonomiku Timor-Leste. Kresimentu ekonomiku tinan 2007 (9.1%), 2008 (12.1%), 2009 (13%) ho 2010 (9.5%) seidauk to’o atu hadia povu hotu nia moris. Ita tenki mantein kresimentu ekonomiku as ne’e tinan ba tinan hodi hadia povu barak nian moris.  Ne’e mak esensia kresimentu ekonomiku hamenus kiak (economic growth reduce poverty).

Maibe ita mos tenki rekoinese katak kresimentu ekonomiku nebe aas iha Timor-Leste ne’e  (double digitu), povu balu nia moris mos diak ona. Survey Banku Mundial hateten katak, iha tinan 2007, numeru kiak iha Timor-Leste hamutuk 50%. Iha tinan 2009, ema kiak iha Timor-Leste tun tiha ona ba 41%. Ne’e hatudu katak kresimentu ekonomiku iha impaktu positivu ona ba povu balu nian moris iha Timor-Leste. La os hotu mas balu moris diak ona. Pergunta ba ita maka ne’e. Oinsa maka kresiementu ekonomiku ne’e bele benefisia ema seluk mos, iha nasional ka iha regiaun ka iha suku sira?

Kresimentu ekonomiku Timor-Leste nebe double digitu (rata-rata 11%) iha tinan hat nia laran (2007 – 2010) hatudu katak ekonomia Timor-Leste dinamiku liu iha regiaun Asia Pasifiku, liu China nebe nia kresimentu ekonomiku mos as durante kuase tinan rua nulu resin nia laran. Revista koinesidu iha mundu, The Economist hosi Londres, edisaun 1 Janeiro 2011 hateten katak iha tinan 2011, Timor-Leste sei halu parte grupu nasaun sanulu nebe kresimentu ekonomiku rapidu iha mundu! Relatoriu IMF (Fundu Monetariu Internasional, FMI) konaba Panorama Ekonomiku Mundial (World Economic Outlook) nebe atu sai iha fulan Abril 2011 ne’e, iha Box Especial ida konaba kresimentu Timor-Leste. Relatoriu ne’e hatete katak ekonomia Timor-Leste dinamiku tebe-tebes, kresimentu ekonomiku double digit iha tinan hat nia laran. Timor-Leste sai ona hosi konflitu ho hakat ba dezenvolvimentu tanba kresimentu ekonomiku aas ho numeru ema kiak mos tun drastika iha tinan tolu nia laran.

Relatoriu sira ne’e rekoinese Timor-Leste nia performansia ho fo konfiansa ba Timor-Leste iha mundu rai klaran. Servisu uma (ka PR) nebe mak ita hotu tenki halu maka ne’e. Oinsa mak sustenta kresimentu double digitu ne’e nafatin hodi transforma sosiedade Timor-Leste hosi vida agraria ba iha vida industrial ho servisu? Pergunta ne’e mos preokupa ba governu, ninia parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira ho asesor sira. Timor-Leste bele mantein kresimentu double digitu (rata-rata 10%) durante tinan rua nulu nia laran tanba base ekonomia Timor-Leste kiik (low base economy). Se kresimentu eonomiku double digit nafatin iha tinan rua nulu nia laran, maka iha 2030 Timor-Leste sei tama ba grupu nasaun sira nebe ho rendimentu mediu as (Upper-Middle Income Country). Upper Middle Income Country tuir Banku Mundial maka nasaun sira nebe ho rendimentu per kapita minimu $5,000 (dollar rihun lima ba leten. Oras ne’e dadauk Timor-Leste nia per kapita la inklui mnarai ho gas (Non-Oil and gas GDP Per Capita) besik ona $600. Nune’e ita hein katak kresimentu ekonomiku aas iha tinan rua nulu nia laran bele hasae rendimentu perkapita non minarai Timor-Leste nia dala sanulu. Nune’e iha tinan 2030, ema kiak sei tun ka bele lakun ona.

Instrumentu saida maka ita usa atu to’o iha objetivu ida ne’e? Ida mak instrumentu fiskal (politika orsamentu estadu). Rua instrumentu komersial ho investimentu (trade and investment). Politika fiskal (orsamentu) estadu nia ita usa hodi investe osan estadu nia iha rekursu humanu, infrastrutura ho setor importante sira hanesan agrikultura, minarai ho gas, ho turismu. Bainhira ita investe iha setor sira ne’e maka iha biban Timor-Leste nia ekonomia moris double digitu.

Maibe to’o tempu ida orsamentu estadu mihis ona ho la konsege sustenta kresimentu ekonomia aas li-liu double digitu. Tanba ne’e, importante iha tempu fo-foun kedas hadia kondisaun Timor-Leste atu dada investimentu setor privadu hosi laran ka hosi estrangeiru (temi Foreign Direct Investment, FDI) atu investe iha setor importante  sira nebe bele produs ba esportasaun. Nune’e bainhira despesa tun tanba osn estadu mihis ona hosi minarai ho gas, rendimentu sira seluk hanesan impostu ka rendimentu sira seluk mos sae ona. Ohin loron orsamentu estadu Timor-Leste liu 90% mai hosi minarai ho gas ka dada hosi Fundu Petroleu.

Ida ne’e mak politika ekonomika atu hadia povu nia moris liu hosi politika fiskal ho politika komersial (fiscal policy and trade policiy). Ita hein katak ho politika sira ne’e, Timor-Leste bele atingi objetivu final, halakon kiak iha 2030 liu hosi kresimentu ekonomiku double digitu.

Graduadu sira maka hau hadomi,

Ita nia tema Oratio Sapientiae ohin loron maka Orsamentu Estado ho Kresimentu Ekonomiku. Ita hare iha diskusaun iha leten ne’e, bainhira despesa estadu sae maka kresimentu ekonomiku mos sei sae – ceteris paribus. Ita mos hatete katak orsamentu estadu hanesan instrumentu ida atu to’o ba objetivu final atu hamohu kiak iha Timor-Leste iha 2030. Atu sustenta kresimentu double digitu ne’e iha tinan rua nulu nia, politika fiskal (orsamentu estadu) tenki kombina ho politika komersial durante tempu ida ne’e. Nune’e, it abele atingi objetivu final dezenvolvimentu nasional upper-middle income country ho kiak mohu ona iha Timor-Leste.

Aspetu determinante ida iha prosesu atu sustenta kresimentu doube digitu ne’e maka tenki investe makas iha rekursu humanu (edukasaun). Tanba mundu globalizadu nebe Timor-Leste hola parte ba, la os deit nakonu ho informasaun ho teknologia oi-oin (foun ka tuan) maibe mos nakonu ho kompetisaun entre nasaun sira iha mundu ne’e. Rekursu humanu nebe iha espesialidade iha area bar-barak, hanesan siensia, teknologia, sosiologia, ekonomia, IT, ho seluk tan sei fo is ba nasaun Timor-Leste hodi kompete iha mundu globalizadu ne’e. Matenek ho espesializasaun sira ne’e sei tonka lalaok Timor-Leste nia iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasional tanba matenek sira ne’e iha vantagem kompetitiva (compettivie advantage) hosi sira nian espesialidade sira.

Ho vantagem kompetitiva iha area rekursu humanu, nasaun ida la os deit atu laoba oin, maibe mos bele haksoit ba oin (leap forward) iha prosesu desenvolvimentu nasional. China usa estrategia leap forward hodi transforma ninia ekonomia hosi ekonomia rural ba industrial menus de tinan 30. Iha 2011 ne’e, China nia ranking ekonomia iha mundu numeru dois depois de Estadus Unidus Amerika. Ba kotuk oituan, Estadus Unidus Amerika, sai nasaun bot ho lider iha area barak, inklui siensia, teknologia, ekonomia, ho defesa. Sira mos semo ba to’o fulan ona, ba mai avontade. Kapasidade nasional Amerika ne’e mosu tanba Amerika fo atensaun bot ba dezenvolvimentu rekursu humanu. La os deit investe osan barak atu eduka ema maibe Amerika simu ema hotu-hotu nebe iha matenek ho espesialidade. Sira mos fo fatin ba ema matenek sira nebe persegidu politikamente. Judeo sira iha Alemanha, Hitler buka atu oho hotu iha Funu Mundial II. Amerika fo fatin ba matenek Judeo sira atu bele halu peskisa iha universidade ho institutu bar-barak iha Amerika. Selu sira ho diak ho osan nebe iha. Balu governu foti sai asesor iha area oi-oin tanba sira nia matenek. La os deit Judeo sira, Amerika mos simu ema ho kompetensia bar-barak, la hare ba kor. O bele metan, o bele mutin, ho o bele kinur ka o makerek, naran katak o iha matenek ho espesialidade, Amerika nakloke ba o. “Welcome to the land of opportunity. Benvindo ba nasaun ida ho oportunidade.” Bainhira China usa open door policy, Amerika usa open mind policy atu atrae matenek sira hosi rai sira seluk. Amerika fiar katak rekursu humanu nebe kompetenti bele halu inovasaun oi-oin nebe importante ba dezenvolvimentu ho kresimentu ekonomiku nasional. Amerika mos fiar katak matenek mos sei halu diferensa iha povu nia vida la os deit iha area sientifika maibe mos iha area governasaun ho politika.

Maluk graduadu sira mak hau respeita,

Hau hakarak koalia oituan sientista ka matenek sira nia knar iha area governansaun ho vida politika. Povu ka nasaun ida bele hetan benefisiu hosi matenek sira nebe tama ba politika ho ukun nasaun ida. Prof. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, eis-Presidenti Brazil, Ph.D iha area sosiologia konsege transforma Brazil hosi nasaun ida ke krise bebeik ba nasaun vibrante ida ho sai  ekonomia emergente (emerging economy) ida mundu. Professor Anival Cavaco Silva nebe hola Ph.D iha area ekonomia iha fulan hirak liu ba hahu ninia segundu mandatu Presidenti da Republika Portugal. Nian maka transforma Portugal hosi nasaun periphery (pingiran) ida ba nasaun modernu ida iha Europa iha tinan 1980a bainhira mana eleisaun ho sai Primeiru Ministru Portugal. Chile oras ne’e dadauk ninia Presidenti da Republika maka Sebastian Pinera, Ph.D nebe formadu iha area ekonomia. La kelur deit bainhira simu tiha knar hanesan Presidneti Chile, Pinera hasoru problema bot ida skala mundial. Rai nakdoko taka ema sira nebe ke’e mina iha rai okos kuase metru lima nulu. Pinera nia esforsu, konsege hasai duni nia povu hamutuk tolunulu resin moris hotu bainhira mundu dehan katak sei la konsege.

Graduadu sira maka hau hadomi,

Presidenti nain tolu ne’e (Fernando H. Cardoso, Anibal Cavaco Silva, ho Sebastian Pinera) manan eleisaun diretu hosi povu atu sai Presidenti da Republika. Sira konsege koalia ba povu, povu fo fiar ba sira liu hosi votasaun direta atu sai Presidenti da Republika ka Primeiru Ministru. Importante liu maka sira konsege transforma sira nia nasaun ho salva sira nia ema iha desafiu nia laran.

Sira La os matenek koalia mangame deit ho povu. La os matenek deit iha komputador nia oin maibe faktu hatudu katak matenek, Mestradu ho PhD la os hatene deit baku komputador ho koalia mangame deit ho povu. Tanba ne’e hau la konkorda ho hanoin lider balu hatete ba publiku katak ema ho Mestradu ho PhD sira hatene maka baku komputador deit maibe mangame deit bainhira koalia ba povu. Prof. Doutor sira hanesan Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Anibal Cavaco Silva, ho Sebastian Pinera hatudu tiha ona ho evidensia ne’e ba mundu. Ezemplu sira ne’e hatudu katak mestradu ho doutoradu sira bele transforma sira nia nasaun tanba sira iha kompetensia ho kapasida analitiku ho sientifiku atu resolve problema nasional ka mundial sira.

Iha Timor-Leste, ita sei deskonfia malu deit, inveja malu deit. Ita nia tradisaun ensinu superior seidauk naruk. Tanba ne’e maka matenek sira Mestradu ho PhD sira seidauk hetan vaorizasaun lolos tuir meritu. Nune’e mos, ema sira ho Mestradu ho PhD sei oituan deit ho sira nia kontribuisaun ba nasaun ne’e mos sei kiik. Tanba ne’e maka  mosu hanoin sira siniku ho desvaloriza Mestradu ho PhD sira iha Timor-Leste.

Maibe hau fiar katak la kleur tan situasaun ne’e sei muda. Eleitoradu sira iha Timor-Leste seidauk hare ba programa ho kualidade lideransa ba dezenvolvimentu nasional bainhira sira ba kaixa eleitoral. Maibe hau fiar katak la kleur tan povu Timor-Leste nebe matenek sei hili ema ho kompetensia ho programa diak atu lori nasaun ne’e ba oin ho hadia povu nia  moris.

Tanba ne’e ikus liu, hau hakarak hatete ba imi graduadu sira ho universitariu ICR ho universitariu sira seluk iha nebe deit iha Timor-Leste ka iha liur. Hili servisu tuir imi nia konsiensia, imi nia matenek, ho imi nia dedikasaun. Se sai professor, sai professor ida ke diak. Se sai agrikultor (modernu), sai agrikultor ida ke diak. Se sai poliitku, sai politiku ida ke diak, banati tuir Anibal Cavaco Silva, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, ho Sebastian Pinera.

Obrigadu barak.