Partidu barak mosu tanba hanesan imi balu temi ona katak ita nia Konstituisaun fo dalan ba sistema multi-partidarismu ka sistema proporsional (Artigo 65.4). Neduni enfase ka penekanan ba representasaun duke se mak manan foti tomak (winners take all). Tanba ne'e mak iha konversaun votu ba kadeira tuir persentagem nebe partidu ida hetan. Batasan ne'e mak threshold deit (3% ka bele bot liu tan ka kiik liu). Nunee bele hamenus partidu iha Parlamentu Nasional SE threshold ne'e sae tan. TL ho threshold 3%, maka tuir Eleisaun 2007 partidu lima ho koligasaun ASDT/PSD ho AD mak tama PN. Partidu sira seluk la tama hotu. Se la iha threshold 3% maka iha tan partidu rua (PNT ho PDRT) maka tama PN.
Threshold 3% ne'e determina hosi lei eleitoral. Agora atu partidu ida sai legal, kondisaun ka persyaratan ne'e saida? Presiza halibur 1,500 asinatura nebe legalize hosi notariadu ho tribunal fo desizaun ikus konaba legalidade partidu nia. Ida ne'e mak hamosu Partidu barak ne'e. Hau sinti la susar halibur numeru Ida ne'e.
Agora iha TL iha Partidu 22. Oin sa ba oin? Lei Eleitoral foin mak promulgate hosi Presidenti Republikanu ho la iha alterasaun signifikante. Katak threshold 3% nafatin. Lei Partidu politiku la muda. Katak 1500 asinatura ne'e sei vale nafatin. Tanba ne'e Presidenti Republika lalika hakfodak ho Partidu bara-barak mak mosu.
Konsituisaun fo dalan, lei la iha alterasaun, ho foin mak nia promulga tan. Tanba sa mak nia hateten katak Partidu foun sira halimar ho demokrasia? Ida ne'e deit sala ona.
Lolos ne'e Eleisaun hotu ho hotu halu kedas evaluasaun konaba lei eleitoral ho lei partidu politiku para hodi halu antes kedas. La os atu tama ona ba eleisaun mak hakfodak hare Partidu barak ho atrapaila ho subsidiu. Partidu Aileba iha Direitu hetan subsidiu tanba nia legal. Nunee mos partidu seluk nebe registu legalmente iha Tribunal Rekursu.
Agora ita koalia konaba subsidiu. Iha audiensia publika ida konaba subvensaun ka subsidiu Estadu ba Partidu politiku sira depois de Eleisaun 2007, hau defende katak so Partidu iha Parlamentu Nasional maka hetan subsidiu governu tanba sira tenki partisipa iha Komisaun ho halao servisu sira seluk iha PN. Partidu sira la tama Parlamentu la hetan subsidiu. Maibe iha Eleisaun Partidu hotu tenki hetan subsidiu hanesan. Tanba sa? Eleisaun 2012 ka Eleisaun sira tuir mai la garante katak partidu sira bot iha eleisuan 2007 ne'e sei bot nafatin ka Partidu kiik sira ne'e sei kiik nafatin. Se mak bele dehan katak iha 2012, FRETILIN sei hetan 29% nafatin, ka CNRT 24% ka PR 1.1%. La iha figurative sira ne'e bele muda. Se mak garante katak Partidu Aileba sei hetan deit votu 0.0001%? La iha inklui mos Presidenti da Republika. Tanba ne'e tama ba Eleisaun 2012, Partidu hotu-hotu hanesan ho hetan subsidiu mos hanesan.
Ikus Parlamantu desidi katak so Partidu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional mak hetan subvensaun Estadu. Desde 2008 Partidu sira iha PN hetan subsidiu tinan-tinan. Ida ne'e fair duni tuir resultadu 2007. Iha 2010, FRETILIN hetan $900 mil resin, CNRT $800 mil resin, PD $300 mil resin etc hosi orsamentu $3 million aloka iha tinan 2010 deit. Tinan sira uluk hetan tiha ona, numeru hira imi be cek iha CNE. .
Maibe PN haluha tiha deisid iha tempu neba katak tama Eleisaun tuir mai partidu hotu tenki iha direitu hanesan. La hanesan ne'e mak sira hetan tiha ona tinatinan desde 2008. Tama ba Eleisaun foun tenki hanesan hotu....
Tanba sa mak Partidu mosu bebeik deit? Alem de razaun legal nebe remi ona iha leten, razaun seluk mak iha deskontentamentu ba Partidu sira nebe ukun tiha ona ho agora ukun dadaun. FRETILIN ukun tiha ona, povu hatene ona. AMP (CNRT, ASDT/PSD, PD, UNDERTIM) agora ukun dadaun povu mos akompaina dadaun. Tanba sa mak la hili deit ona Partidu sira ne'e mas halu fali Partidu seluk? Tanba saida imi bele analiza rasik....
Partidu foun sira diak ka lae? Sempre diak tanba sira hare tiha ona uluk Ida ukun, agora Ida seluk ukun tan maibe seidauk fo resposta optimal ba dezafiu nasaun nia. Tanba ne'e presiza iha alternativu seluk tan. Povu merese iha opsau ne'e hotu.
Se Partidu foun la diak ka halimar ho demokrasia maka la iha alternative diak tan ba alternative sira nebe agora iha. Iha Amerika, Partidu Republikanu mosu 75 anos depois de Amerika independenti. Partidu Demokratiku identifika aan hanesan Partidu deklarador ho fundador nasaun Amerika. Maibe ho programa nebe diak ho tan kualidade lideransa diak, Partidu Republikanu konsege sai Partidu bot (salah satu dari dua partai besar) iha Amerika. Desde 1945, se hau la sala Republikanu sira ukun tinan barak liu duke Demokratiku sira. Obrigadu ba imi nia atensaun. JMS. Fundador ho Presidenti Partidu Republikanu TL.
This blog is to share views and activities in East Timor and abroad. It will also address propaganda that aim at character assassination in East Timor. Blog ida ne'e atu fahe informasaun konaba hanoin ho atividade iha Timor ho iha rai liur. Nunee mos blog ida ne'e atu kurigi propaganda sira nebe atu oho karakter (character assassination) ema nia.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
The Role of Small Parties
President Jose Ramos Horta was hammering at small parties by saying that parties like Aileba and Mausoko clearly want subsidy of the government. While these remarks have some merits, it overlooks the essence of multiparty democracy that is defined by the Constitution. You cannot accuse a political party established solely to get subsidy from the government. People may be frustrated by the existing political parties because these parties no longer represent people's aspirations. Therefore, they decided to form new political parties aiming at achieving dreams and aspirations.
In addition, political party law only requires 1500 valid signatures to register a party. So it should come to no surprise to Mr Jose Ramos Horta that parties will continue to register until the election day because the door is wide open and the requirements are relatively easy.
In other countries, state can limit the number of political parties through two ways. First, raise requirements to register new parties, such as the law requires 5,000 signatures instead of only 1,500, new party must have branches in half of districts, and new party must have complete structure. Second, electoral threshold is raised to 5% or more. This second factor is tricky because many votes could be wasted in a system where there are many political parties.
So it is not the political parties that create problems but the system that has allowed many political parties. Criticing new and small political parties let alone attacking them just show insensitiveness to the situation.
In addition, political party law only requires 1500 valid signatures to register a party. So it should come to no surprise to Mr Jose Ramos Horta that parties will continue to register until the election day because the door is wide open and the requirements are relatively easy.
In other countries, state can limit the number of political parties through two ways. First, raise requirements to register new parties, such as the law requires 5,000 signatures instead of only 1,500, new party must have branches in half of districts, and new party must have complete structure. Second, electoral threshold is raised to 5% or more. This second factor is tricky because many votes could be wasted in a system where there are many political parties.
So it is not the political parties that create problems but the system that has allowed many political parties. Criticing new and small political parties let alone attacking them just show insensitiveness to the situation.
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